Came here from a let's play just to say that the UI is very nicely done. The visuals overall look great!
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As a huge fan of Signal Simulator, this game really intrigued me. However the experience so far has been a mixed bag.
First of all, I absolutely adore the Source aesthetic, and even the callbacks to some Valve titles. It was a pleasant surprise.
I also really like that the processing of signals is more simplified, since that was the more tedious part of Signal Sim. The game actually seems to be generally more fast paced than SS.
But some of it's pacing is not too good. Namely the resources.
Player vitals are fine. Stamina drains adequately, hunger is alright as well if you get an extra ration pack.
But fuel for the ATV goes down so fast. That wouldn't be an issue, if only the satellite servers didn't break seemingly every 5 minutes. Besides when I started a new save, I don't think I've ever had all satellites working at the same time. And I do try. But it feels like an uphill battle.
Fix one satellite, another one bites the dust. Go fix that one, you have more on your hands. Not to mention that even if you somehow did get all satellites working, you'll lose at least another 3 when sleeping. As mentioned previously, with current fuel consumption, it's more than possible to burn through 200+ units of fuel in a day. And every one of those days is a fetch quest of just resetting satellite servers.
The flashlight batteries also drain exponentionally quickly, especially since the ATV doesn't have it's own light. It also doesn't help nearly at all when out in the forest.
Lastly, an explanation on filing satellite reports in the help tab would be useful. Turns out just writing the name of the satellite and it's hash is not enough. Maybe I need to put "report form" as the header?
Overall, this game definitely has potential. Squash some bugs, adjust some mechanics, and it can be really great. I am looking forward to further development.