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A member registered May 03, 2020 · View creator page →

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Yep, I definitely will try to look on itch more often now. Great successes to you in cobbling your dream game!

So, You are planning to continue improving it? That’s cool!!

It was really fun, I sinked at least an hour into this game, and considering the fact, that it’s should’ve been finished in the ballpark of ~20 minutes…

this is … an interesting concept, if I can say so. For me it looks like a Reverse Tower Defence type of game, where you are a tower… Sword, in our case.

“Great” learning curve. I learned that you could swipe at enemies only after I purchased all the upgradesAnd after half an hour, the music started to grate my ears a little, but I am very casual player, so most games take me much more time to complete.

So, here is a little bug report, of things that I found while playing this demo (legend-win32-0.1.5):

  • vases can’t break other vases when thrown at them. (torches too)

  • There missing collisions on the bridge in the village, when you step a little more to the bottom (but only in windowed mode?):

  • when there’s “disabled” jellyfish it can stuck where you place it. (in sky, when on moving platforms, for example)

  • Pause menu don’t pause anything, so you can die while on pause.

(2 edits)

Whow! You are Alive! Strange…

© Some necromancer

(1 edit)

So... I stumbled upon this project again...
And tweaked russian.ini just a little.
There was some Google Translate shenanigans and INCONSISTENCY. Nothing major. But now it's a little prettier. Here it is:

Ah! yes, you can't  share files through Itch...

Here my repo with it, then:

Удивительно уже в четвёртый раз видеть... интерактивный музей.

Но вот одна фишка на будущее. Настройки звука. Потому что, лично мне, например, порвало уши с первых секунд.

(1 edit)

Actually... This is better...

In my opinion.

(At the time I was thinking about literally just checkbox. As a "tile")

So.... You do understand that this plan can be used not only in games, but all roadmaps, right? You can just add checkbox... and that will be it.

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Well. That's a Gamedev tool. No joking around - strait to business.

That Jump Juice.

And, on the left side of the map, you can just jump over collisions...

And when I Exit  Treant Location...  

(1 edit)

So I will be listing Only problems(and playing demo at the same time)  Windows, by the way

  • As the guy, who don't know controls of the game, i wiil be glad to see them as Glassy as posibble(actually sitting aroud an hour duing to the first *fungay* and only then I found that i was skippin turns constantly with "c". All the time, that I needed to press "z" )
  • Why You CAN'T even attack with your fist? Hero Have 10 base damage! Why he can't use it?
  •    - Just what with all those questionmarks near name and "Arheologist". You didn't have them  on stream
  • Pressed Evry button on my keyboard. Don't Found Key that allow me to ACTUALLY LEARN Skill. (If someone has questions 40LP from start here)
  • So... within  firt crssroad, You can get in battle with  wasp from top ruins zone. Thrue all map basicly, and no-clip textures. Right here(when you pick battle with right side fungay, You can totally end up to facing 3 wasps at the same time)

  • Thats just not fair: Right on the exit of treant boss location.
  • Just played another clicker right now. It's  about hour in with no skills(Why I Can't Learn Them!), and only level   4(and 3 potions)
  • When Level 1: 3 Fungay = death. When Level 2: 3 Fungay = 15 EXP(and 0 damage)

As I telling before... Without Skills can't actually doing anything but clicking attack button, Soo-o-o-o-o. . . You need to tweak it up.

And this strange thing? When your enemy jumping on screen and out where it belong, even if There are... SOME TREES IN THE WAY and logicly speaking, it CAN'T SEE YOU FROM THERE!

That was a tough one. Trying to categorize it.  English is not my native, so....

  •  Overall Music theme.
  • Overall Graphics, but...*
  • Found all coin-things. Proud of myself.
  • Controls feels....interesting. Actually in a good way, of course.
  • Gameplay was easy enough, for a Casual like me. (for some people it may be not so good....)
  • Want More!!! And that always good for games, don't it?


  • First time i launched game, it is crushed. But it can be my fault.
  • Next time when i start, everything was alright until i open pause menu, and go to the controls. Game freeze, and Console start to print thousands of Nulls. For the Third Start doesn't seen any problems. 
  • Font in game not set properly enough, to read in 16/9 Resolutions. Many spaces between letters,  "WASD" part was covered by coin-thing, and i can only read "WA" part.
  • When Transition between scenes with additional "Border" and without start to appear, My Frames fall from 120 to 15-13. Multiple times for short period. Something like 1 to 3 seconds.
  • When jump above aura(parts? bits?) hero start lagging like crazy. FPS in this time stays untouched. 

something in Between:

  • So you can как перевести закликать, ребят? ** Fast-Click enemies when they charged, and don't let them to your precious body. 
  • Inventory is desperately needs canvas close button, or closing when you pressed any button.
  • You can hide a console, but  in my opinion, it is actually good to have it in Alfa/ Beta-testing.

 *Light under the water is don't  belong to pixel styled game, but it's only my opinion .

** Not from Russia.

That all... I Think?