Just incase someone else gets stuck at this: I read down the comments that someone got it from getting Will as a stalker first and THEN romancing Dijon. After that going back to the inn to sleep. They got it like that but that didnt work for me. Eventually ı tried the opposite again and first slept with Dijon then got Will as a stalker. Then wnet back to the in to sleep and finally got it. Im pretty sure I tried both a bunch of times before ı finally got the scene ıdk why or how it works for the life of me lmao
Lucky Me <3
Recent community posts
First night gotta look outside.
Go to the men kneeling on the street.
Visit Daisy and then go treat yourself to lunch.
You can visit the pier and then take a longer way home or just go for a run directly to get the next clue. Linger there.
(If on Sans route get a cinnamon sugar soft pretzel. IDK why)
Go to the swan park with Ralsei.
Relax at home. Check up on him. Never change the subject. After that's done buy a new pillow.
Stay at the black swan untill Chara and Ralsei come then leave with them. Answer honestly to them.
Stop by before your morning run. Get inside Mr. Scott's home. What if they're all connected? Tell him to wait. Then choose these options in order: Watch-Rollow, Your father must be proud, Mr. Scott adored you, looked forward to your visits.
and this should be it to get all the clues. Have fun <3