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Lucky Star Games

A member registered Jan 21, 2018

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this game needs a lot of improvement for sure...

you can get something like this for free xD in unity

i got a bug, all the grips when i load a saved game, the grips appear like daggers, and i can't use these in any weapons 

probably its a bug then...

is nice to report bugs but please do this at the bug tread, also this bug is caused only in the little shop and i guess is when you have more thank 1 customer stuck in the door

that can be fixed by remove temporary the tree collision i think... but this can also do bugs

i did a video of that, i will upload to yt soon

Edit: i go through the door and found a gate w crystal sockets, i opened the door w the 5 crystals and there was a weird room w runes and a portal on it, the portal didn't work

you try to remove the sword from the socket and inserting in it again?

and Daisus mit may be a good idea that in the game we can use our own weapons and get more creation materials from enemys or something like that...

btw, although you would have to modify enough code for that :P

this gets interesting n_n

that's weird because is not a random design, i try w the same sword 3 times and the 3 times it works, maybe is a bug or something

that's weird because it should react w the "master Sword" design, the uncommon grip the blade w the yellow marks on it and the v3 guard

humm i see... but the shrine will not detect the sword if you dont "plant" it correctly, i noticed that

if i found something i will update it here

yeah is a good idea, bc the blacksmiths not only makes weapons

Daisus i solved your puzzle, now what, i got a new crystal, i have 5 w this one

now i wonder what i should do w the 5 crystals .-.

EDIT!!!!:: I got it and just appeared an other crystal -_-

Edit: i think that im progressing :V

humm i see, thanks

because i tried use it has a normal coal and nothing happen, i try to use it as an ore and same... or is just trash?

i just try already that guard and that grip on other blade shapes and nothing happen, only w the one of the image it gives me a recation

aah no ammm i just used an split blade w a common grip and a v3 guard and the crystal is not important, i saw that red light so i think that crystal can do something on it :v but it do nothing

well yea that forest shrine that change the lights when i put a sword on it have any use?