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A member registered Aug 17, 2022

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not true from what i can see? between calm, trophies and morality, this is very much possible

(1 edit)

My work here is done

Uhhhh.... hello? You alive and ok, dev?


Will this ever be updated?

(2 edits)

Agree. The cum not ignoring her body would be nice, and slowly going soft if no sexy is happening
 (and not instantly going hard again)
 could be a really neat detail. Maybe also have some things that she with the poses( like self-pleasure actually "working"), including her staying in poses if you leave the poses menu.

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Free(er) positioning anywhere on the screen would be nice. Best example: right now, you can't have the rope come from the top of the screen without making her pretty big. Would help make it look more natural. Or have her lean against the side of the screen, maybe sitting in a corner (correctly rotated), back against the side and butt on the bottom/taskbar? Like I mentioned in my answer to synthect, make it so that poses stay if you leave their menu. Maybe give the option to have the menu completely disappear, and only have it reappear by... right clicking her boobs instead of left clicking? (configurable) hotkey?

Basically, try to make it more seamless. It's really good for now, but it could be even better. The more seamless it is(or can be with the options, config options are your friend), the less there is for people to be annoyed by.