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A member registered Feb 03, 2020

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I came here for the H-Scenes but I stayed for the Story.

Now, to review this a little bit.
The game uses my favourite type of narrator: the nigh-omniscient first-person narrator. That puts the player at ease because the beginning of the game from the Players perspective is also the end of the story from the Protagonists perspective. The game does tell you that there's very few game-overs (if any) but that particular choice of narration is "show, don't tell" (which works a lot better imho)

What also stands out is how multi-dimensional the characters are and the fact that there's actual character development that respects the player's choices. The angry bitch won't remain the angry bitch for all eternity if you make the right choices - and the game shows (rather than tells) why the characters are the way they are, why they did what they did and why (in those moments) they couldn't help but be themselves - or whoever the player chose for them to be. Unexpectedly thoughtful and self-reflective for an Adult-Game.

The game pulls your heartstrings... in the best and worst ways. It will make you cry, it will make you laugh, it will make you angry, it will make you cringe and it will... excite you. It will find a way into your heart and remind you of itself even after you put it down (due to having reached the end of the currently available content). And while the game starts slow - with lots of exposition in the prologue - I would strongly recommend to stick with it and not skip anything as the later episodes revisit and expose more about a previous plot.

The last (and best) thing that stands out for me (and partially why I started playing it in the first place) is how sex and intimacy is done. The game is certainly ADULT... but it is far more than sex. The game does intimacy, sensuality and the full range from soft to hard intercourse in a way that I haven't seen in any other game.

The renders are beautiful to look at and while they may be slighly stylized, they are close enough to "realistic" to make you forget that they are rendered.

There's only one thing that annoys me. The game isn't available on Steam in my home-country due to the particular laws regarding adult games in my country... so I can't buy it over there.

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The new Update is nice... can't wait for Tanulia to be integrated more ;)

Yeah. Couldn't add the game to my steam-account but playing it via itch works just aswell.

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Good game so far.
* Game tracks your choices and respects them, branching narrative (from what I can tell)
* HQ renders

* facial expressions of emotions seem a bit exagerated
* a bit short for now (but acceptable given that it's just 1 Episode yet with more planned)

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Yeah. In the end I did that, which sadly resulted in an even smaller resolution of 1680x1050. :(

The Gamedata-Loadingscreen is fun though...

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Resolution-Settings set in the launcher aren't transferred to the game. I set 1920x1080-Fullscreen in the launcher and the game starts in 5760x1080-Fullscreen (which is my desktop-resolution).

Weirdly it works perfectly fine in AATOFL.

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Came for the Scenes, stayed for the Story (and the scenes).

This game combines the very best of both the Adult-Genre and the VN-Genre: great scenes, fantastic story and choice-complexity.

I've missed it so much to play games where your choices actually matter and (after looking at the script of the game after 2 Play-Throughs) this game does it just right. If you're frustrated after Mass-Effect-3's Ending and how none of your mid-game-choices matter: THIS IS THE GAME FOR YOU.

The game has a great cast - and I'm not just talking about the girls - surprisingly wholesome character-development and a plot so thrilling that it's hard to put away.

Looking forward to Eternum.