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Lucretia Rage

A member registered Mar 11, 2014 · View creator page →

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a lovely set of vignettes, and really impressive work demonstrating the power of these minimal tools.

This was a lot of fun, cool mechanics and great use of theme

This was a super fun little game!

One thing that might make it easier to maintain flow is if you could flip or rotate the suggested maps, that way you'd have access to a lot more options.

Real cool concept though, and it's nice watching the minimap fill out as you work toward the goal.

I liked it. Finishing things is its own skill, sometimes it's the only one you need to exercise to succeed.

Wasn't a big fan of the helicopter noise but otherwise I really enjoyed this short story, and the lofi PSX styling.

Is the title also a reference to "The Colour Out of Space"?

Thank you for your kind comment, I'm glad you got something out of this <3

That was fun. I enjoyed how crunchy everything was, good work within the limits of the GBC!

Thanks, that was really the kind of vibe I was going for, I'm glad you got something out of it <3

That was fun. Also didn't realise it wasn't real time so was really zooming through those early levels!

This was very short but still managed to be very emotionally compelling in just 2 tiny scenes!

The tiny vignettes of the planets are all very evocative, and after a while I was able to figure out the puzzle and get the true ending. Very satisfying!

Great atmosphere, clever use of the tile animation to demonstrate the corruption effect.

Loved the art in this one, and the world building tells you just enough that you can picture it but is still pretty vague so it maintains that spooky mystery vibe.

That was intense.

*thumbs up*

That was great, I loved the movement with the ladders and the way interactions with the stations change day to day. Then the ending! Well worth it.

I enjoyed that.

That was really cool! Really great atmosphere and visuals for a bitsy game

I really like this one. I now regret not owning the type of bed you can get under!

Hi, thanks for playing

Unfortunately something went wrong with the web build and the enemies all became non-functional, preventing the generation of more scrap via intended means.
You can still press 6 to generate scrap via cheats, allowing you to craft and explore the remaining environment.

Again, thanks for putting the effort in on this one anyway! It's appreciated.

Ah thank you for playing. Like a fool, I made the basic Jump the first upgrade that you need, but then didn't make anything explaining that! I'll put it in the description.

Thanks again!

It's simple but I enjoyed it. I could see this concept working for a metroidvania type game with more exploration and upgrade options.

The graphics for this were pretty nice and I like the mechanic of getting different abilities based on what surface you're on, but the camera had a lot of jitter and the ability switching and physics were a bit buggy.
I could see this being a really cool game with some more polish and expansion on the core mechanic though.

Really cool and fun game, great art direction and music. I wanted to keep playing to see the end but it was actually harder than it first looks.
If I had to give critical feedback it would be that some of the segements and enemy layouts kind of necessitate you losing health and sometimes feel a bit unfair, but I've done quite a lot of work with procedural maps in the past and know it's very hard to optimise difficulty with these especially when rushed.
Great game overall though!

Hi, thanks for the kind feedback!
Yes, I think we overlooked this issue (which now seems obvious) due to our inexperience in actually releasing projects in Unity, moving forward this will be a key consideration.

We definitely plan to expand this game in future following the jam, thanks again!

I really enjoyed this, lovely progression through the game and felt like a positive experience to have played it.
If I had to give a criticism it would be the shakiness of the camera being a bit uncomfortable, but otherwise this was really great.

Sorry, this is Windows only.

I thought I'd ticked the box but it must have cleared when I uploaded the new build, my apologies for the disappointment.

This was really cool, great atmosphere. Reminds me a lot of the original Alone in the Dark with the creepy but very brightly coloured haunted house. I enjoyed it a lot but then ran out of ideas for what to do next after getting the jagged key and then I accidentally glitched out of the map.

Cool concept though, look forward to seeing how it ends!


This is much more fun than it sounds, especially with the ability to switch modes

Really cool little game

This was a cool game. It's  shame various elements are missing, but this was still fun to play.

The list of requirements in the bottom of the jam main text says:

"The game must fit within 1.44MB uncompressed."

I imagine all methods of compression, including zip folders, are therefore ruled out.

This is really good, the atmosphere is fantastic

Cool game, lovely characters and backgrounds, good build up of suspense about the mystery object

Loving these visuals

I do rather like that particle effect you've got going on.

This looks really cool, love how you've managed to get the map layout to fit together with all these rectangular rooms. The art style looks great too.

Is there going to be an on screen map to aid with navigation? I imagine the perspective changes could become a little disorienting during play (some classic survival horror games had problems with this). The Consuming Shadow does something with a similar style (which you may already know about as you've referenced another of Yahtzee's games) but with the perspective remaining consistent, because it's just layers of corridor rooms.

I can see the way you've done it allows for much more complex and varied maps though, which could let you get a lot more variety .

Love the concept. 

Hello everybody

I brainstormed a bunch of ideas but this one seemed to have the best combination of 'feasible in my tiny time limit' and 'could maybe be a decent game', so I'm stretching the concept of a roguelike pretty far by making a fishing game.


  • Procedural lakes
  • Simple fishing mechanics
  • Permadeath (on broken line or hook)
  • Searching around for items
  • Randomly generated poetry (maybe)
  • Slowly passing the day
  • The most chill roguelike experience ever

Thus far I have character movement and procedurally generated lakes down, having started last night. Hoping to get more of the interactive stuff in today.

Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

I like this. The monster is cute and it made me lol at the end