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A member registered Jul 28, 2018

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I can't work out how to get Miwi to fight enemies in mission 2. It doesn't let me chart her path onto enemy tiles. I've tried walking onto enemy tiles myself but it won't let me.

(1 edit)

Every time I finish the fight after you first enter VR, after the Victory screen, the game doesn't exit combat. I can't move or act. All I can interact with is my phone and the main menu.
Version 0.25.0 Windows 64

Edit: I got past it by quitting out the game completely, reloading a save just before I entered VR and then putting mine and Jewel's clothes back on (we were both naked). I'm not sure which of these things fixed it but there ya go.

2? I've only seen one! What are the choices you've seen?

The building you and her sister woke up in after the flower fight, with the prison cells. You can change her outfit, talk to her, have sex and even party up but the next part of the story is in the basement of the power plant and involves two new characters you haven't met yet.

I've been avoiding drinking it so far due to the hints from the girls about it being bad for you. Does drinking the z-cola affect the story at all or does it just give you more hitpoints?

After my first fight (with some leeches), the game instantly crashes with an error message. Looks like it can't find the value for experience points or something.

It's a shame too, because this game grabbed me. I really appreciated being able to just go and get a job at a brothel right away.