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A member registered May 29, 2020 · View creator page →

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I loved this, Im an older nonbinary person and felt I could really relate to Quinn, trauma and D&D etc ftw haha, so it was really interesting going through this with that perspective. memories of my own on growing up in the late 90s - the 2000's being a huge oblivious egg all the while being in Noahs pov as hes remembering things as well about "those times" was a mental face slap/clash of "well damn" in itself. It feels very "Gone Home" or "Tell Me Why" esc and I envisioned it as such while going through everything, a tired rugged baggy eyed outsider looking in-Noah in place of Ty an Aly visiting old childhood broken homes sifting through ghosts. Brb gotta grab all the collectibles. Thank You for this game, looking forward to seeing everything you'll ever put out now :) stay safe & be well

(I played the game cause Hiroki caught my eye, alt/punk/goth characters/ hard shell soft insides are my weakpoints) the descriptions introducing the characters saying how pretty everyone is and but not Hiroki is criminal T-T hes gorgeous to me thank you very much, protective, responsible, sweet and his breathtaking feathered form reminds me of Howl from Howl's Moving Castle and that is absolutely swoon worthy.

oh my heart T-T same the feelings ahh

You cannot give me a ??? Character especially a yandere that doesnt want to hurt mc calling us pet names and expect me to choose anyone else 🥴 

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answers to the descriptions questions: 

I was drawn to this game for Count Vicenzo , two faced fox troupe x soft for mc troupe/would kill for mc possibly? is *chefs kiss* and honestly stayed for MC and Count Vicenzo them being together is such a delight, I love every scene that Vicenzo is in and also where he punishes that trollish butler for her, may Edel lick dirt off of the tiles mc walks on

yeah when it comes out my wallet will shed paper tears for your game 100%

in my opinion yes but also the sadist in me wants to see Vicenzo get a bit crazier when protecting her from trollish butlers >:) side note: I love his eyes

I Love everything so far idk if you know about this error or not but thought Id share just in case

Thank you for working so hard on this game, IF's like yours are truly special and all the options mean so much, I love your works so much.

Thank you <3 :)

happy new year :)

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I felt very seen in alot of the options and Im ngl It made me tear up and then I was sobbing and broken by the lore this was beautiful. I already love the characters and am intrigued by the mc.

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Im no masochist but you had me hook line and sinker at tsundere 🥴 I usually play cinnamonrole characters so this will be fun, I always love to see how writers write tsundere's and their responses to things 😭💖 also LOVE Zinnia 💕😭

Transphobia transcends even into Interactive Fiction unfortunately, thank you for the consideration and reply

I know it mightve been asked but I was wondering if youd ever give the option for the mc to have top surgery done in character creation? idk why I just love Ren/Red alot and Id feel so happy if we had the option since he feels insecure? About his chest like me with my dysphoria, its just been a scene in my head ever since I played the game for a long time and its very comforting to me.

I love this story and I hope you'll always take time for yourself and your mental health thank you for your hard work and love and care for this project please take care of yourself <3 stay safe and live well :D

Love when I can live my irl dreams with good charcter customization 💖 I love the story so far 

The art of the characters is beautiful and Im so happy your still continuing with the story its one of my favorite interactive literature stories :D happy to see this getting more tlc thank you for your hardwork and for creating these characters I love so much <3 (Gabriel in his art looks exactly how I imagined T-T)

just warped bigot speak, categorizing missing parents as possibilities as to why someone would be gay or trans has no reason or statistics to back it up just brain rotted bigotry egged on by their own parents that brainwashed them. recycled useless nonsense by an ailed mind.

My heart hopes that we'll maybe see Brahms from the boy in this someday T-T

Thank you :') so happy to hear I don't have to ditch/friendzone Viktor when wanting to see other romance option playthroughs, or at least the other ones I was interested in, I love him too much

"5 more minutes won't hurt," only to wake up hours later?  Unfortunately, that means you're time was taken from you. - Geez I guess if I was character in this someone quite likes stealing my time from me pretty much more than 16 years of my life or more, disassociation is a heck of a thief 

two they/thems sitting at a bar talking...they might kiss?

THIS is definitely a twine I'm looking forward too <3 I love the mc already and the lore so far is interesting as well as the characters and so many li options <3

Peyrolles Beloved <3 T-T

Hayden beloved <3 this is such a beautiful story already and I'm excited to read more as much as this story will definitely wring tears from my eye ducts. Stay safe and be well Ryan  

I love the red guards <3 Faren is hard edged but I have a feeling he has a bit of a soft side maybe Im wrong but if we're able to get under his skin in a good way I feel like he'll show it eventually.

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I love Grayson a totally normal amount. The fact that he was that dedicated to finding mc just gets me. 

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Merlin being nonbinary in this is EVERYTHING to me Thank you <3 if Xe is romanceable regardless Im excited, I cant wait <3 (yeesh I didnt expect transphobia in here 5 people need to chill out)

already in love with the premise and possibilities of this horror/romance is my jam <3 so the fact that its even added on is like icing to a cake for me looking forward to this one for sure

oof that was gritty I loved it and August <3 oh they are lovely

Has alot of potential already, was a little confused when Jeremiah got introduced into the story at points I mistook Alex for Jeremiah and Jeremiah for Alex but that was mostly near the introduction to his character. all in all though Im really looking forward to more <3

Thank you <3 your a blessing to this world T-T 

the story has just begun and my heart already belongs to Ash...

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EDIT: SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS: absolutely adorable  I love these characters and Jason  getting jealous  of Michael and admitting his  feelings was so cute and the artwork its so pretty <3

Moose my beloved <3

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Love the writing in this already :D my heart is conflicted there already looks like so many good romance options.

I felt I had to stop at some points for myself since it was getting too relatable haha, I have both depression and an anxiety disorder so I could really relate to the attacks and all of the feelings being described, and I have to say Ive never seen some of the things portrayed in here in actual media the dissociation into other alt realities, incredible, it was really nice in a way to see them being described as well when I myself am horrible at trying to tell people or my loved ones what I go through every single day . This is a beautiful game, thank you for shedding some light onto mental health and creating such an interesting world.

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AH! YAY! thank you T-T (I got a bit of green goo stuck to my heart after he hugged me so I was wondering that too and Im so happy to hear this)