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A member registered Aug 06, 2021 · View creator page →

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chat gpt ahh gdd

Menu music name?

Thank you! Just got this pack :)

As a suggestion maybe cursors to match this set? Would be amazing! (e.g. default, chat cursor, attack, interact, etc)

probably inspired and learning, no need for that comment

the windows zip is empty

I've sent you a request (gxbz)! Thank youu

This looks great!! Mind if i get the tileset for this too if you still have it? Would help so much! 

Yeah, it was elderly at first but it was too  hard to discern so had to change it last minute XD

It's not really offensive i think so it's ok i guess :D

Really cool game concept, love the sekiro style too :)

Thank you! Good to know it was difficult as opposed to too easy 👍

Thank you for playing! I intentionally made it a bit more difficult as it was too easy before as you could just spam the space bar button :) 

Thanks! Credits in the description :))

(1 edit)

Thanks! Sounds interesting.

Thanks for playing!!

Thanks for playing :))

Thank you!