Karyn Scenes are Absolute Cinema, my Very very favourite girl so far, she's so cute and similar to shiroko from blue archive so i like her, more story, interaction, scene for her, and ncrow, and i don't hate you, i love you, i just answered your dialogue on forest pond, "Do you hate me?"
Im lagging on some animation but its still good, 30 fps animation for me is not bad, its okay even its not 60 because my phone cant handle it, but 30fps is enough, i hope next update its still 30 fps, no crashing so far
Uhm is it just me or the game really dont have sound like thrusting sound or voices? Because the setting do have Voice Volume but i dont hear anything Voice or lews noise?
The game is very good not only the nsfw, i like the story too, tbh im not really done yet but is there gonna be luna nsfw too? When is the next update?