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A member registered Sep 30, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much!! Working on it!

Thanks a-lotl!! We will be updating with patches and improvements during the coming weeks!

Really glad that you liked it, thank you!!


Really nice!! Great music and sounds, nice mechanics

Thank you darling :)

Was fun to drive around! Made me remember of Micromachines. Hard to know the objective of the game, but fun to play anyway :)

Nice! Really nice looking, nice audio. Love the steering mechanics

Really nice looking! Gameplays is fun but would personally like it a little bit faster (saying this while trying lots of games in a short time, so my anxiety level should be taken in consideration). Nice sounds too!

Nice!! Really like it!  would loved to have some more obstacles. Looks really good and the music is fun

Nice! really like it. Love the looks and driving around. Give memories of Micromachines. It was not so clear to me what the objective was, but it was fun anyway!

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Thanks! the low end was on porpouse, filtered so it would sound like coming from another room. Maybe didn´t quite get the effect hahah. Thanks for the feedback!

Couldn´t play it. Didn´t take the E key for some reason. Really nice looking cockroach though. 

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Nice game! Kind of short. Would be nice to have some other features maybe on the enemies. Otherwise really nice!

Nice game! Really nice atmosphere. the movements are kind of difficult sometimes but the gameplay is really fun. 
