I was really enjoying the new zoo parts you added on your last games, i hope we get some extra or secret scenes with some fetishs like this (maybe some voyeur, bathroom/toilet scenes ?)
I hope retsymthenam create something like a discord channel, so we could be more aware of his new projects. And yea, i had the same question, what about those dreams?
I have a problem with Bob's farm too. After asking about Sam, got a black screen and i couldnt do nothing. And after starting a new game, the day count still the last one you played, not the first day again
Thanks for the game, man, love all of them. Can we get some Nun character in a future game ? Maybe some voyeur scenes too...well, i'll get all anyways.
Just to add, the save is so broken that even after starting a new game from zero, i was able to shower liam again, since day one, but few other things were impossible to complete.
How can i press the passwords ? Is it even possible ? I already have the code, and I know a door and a locker that i could use it, but nothing seens to work.