Well that's sad... i really like this game :(
Recent community posts
Hello again! Yes you might have said that you will stop working on the game, which yes is a shame but we can´t do anything about it, but i am trying to eventually recreate the game in an engine so that the people can play an "updated" version. But i want to ask: Should i put your name in the Credits or something? And also: is it possible for us to programm together?
Sicerly, Lukas
(idk why i´m writing this like an E-Mail)
No pls make Updates to this! This is a really cool game :D ! Pls don´t leave. Did you read my suggestion below? It was a lot of work. I mean i could help you with the game or like chat over Discord but i dont think you´ll agree. And even if you would i don´t even know a sigle line of code. I´m not lying. I´ve never even written a single line of Code in my entire life... wat... Anyway what i was trying to say is: pLs DoN´t LeAvE
I think it a Bug because i cant make the doors Yellow aka Coin-Doors... witch is wierd. Also please add Stuff from the newer TWHG games like water where you slowly drown, slippery ice, Void and Lava, Text Bubbles for the Player, diamonds (worth 100 Coins but it should be also customizable), sharing saving and loading levels (Globaly), moving Platforms, Key Door animations, dis- and reapearing Void, More Screens like in TWHG 3 and 4, Conveyorbelts, Spinning dots or/and add so you can make a custom track for a dot so you can amke stuff that isnt possible yet.
This Picture will show some of the included as well as NOT included features in this Text, to show what I mean incase some the features aren´t clear.
In the Picture the Controls aren´t there, but just pretend that they would be there because I would deactivate in the Settings that the Constols are shown.
"Upvote" my idea if you agree and if you think this idea is stupid or nonsense and you have a reason for it, pls Reply!
Thanks for taking the time to read all this!