how do i heal
how tf do i acess the inventor
Pls update
The only thing you can do is leave the dungeon and come back i think
I think it spawns randomly i got mine in the ruins
Could you add an Auto save? you don't need to add it but just having it is a good qol
what about the lewd setting?
Legs is busted as you can be tiny compared to a boss like the bandit and if you have good enough rogue weapon along with just a little bit of legs like 179 and you can 3 shot the bandit boss especially with dodgy status allowing you to ignore a hit
Primarly the Ruins dungeon alot spawn there i've also seen some spawn in the overworld
Use elgs
Heres a tip focus on legs see the results for yourself
Might be a bug
Good idea all we can do is hope that he adds it
after the bridge keep going forward and you'll see a bunch of blue crystals that where it is near the bamboo jungle
Hey i beat the game could you add a way to enable debug for every save like the old versions?
i want to hug the lamia's and theano's tail
Look for someone named Mythiccal i think he might know it
Could you make a yandere companion?