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A member registered 90 days ago · View creator page →

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Was ist denn dein Spiel?

Habe ich gerne gemacht!

Hab ich gemacht!

Geile Grafik, super Gameplay und Thema perfekt umgesetzt!

(1 edit)

Es bockt sehr sehr!

Ich habe deins getestet und bewertet!

Macht ehrlich Spaß, ich werde nur leider nicht gerespawnt wenn ich sterbe! Macht süchtig.

Ich hab eine Bewertung dagelassen!

Ist wirklich ein super Game! Es ist zwar ziemlich schwer, macht aber trotzdem sehr viel Spaß!

I played your game another time and found another bug: On the game over screen is an spelling error: Manimenu instead of Mainmenu.

das freut mich.

super spiel!


I found a bug: yu can fly out of the screen. I think, it is a very very nice game and its fun to play it. The graphics are cool and the gameplay is exciting. Please develope upodates. A tip: I think it would be more fun if the new ships were more expensive. So, I played the game at least 5 minutes and had the best ship.

Best wishes, Lukatro

dank dir!

or thank you!

A bit more of description?

You can move the player with WASD and shoot with Space. You have to shoot the red enemies so they can't remove a live from you and the purple ones so they can't remove 2 lives from you. At the boss you must shoot 5 times so he can't set your lives to 0. Press B to open the special attacks window, where you can select one of the special attacks:

The special attacks window
(1 edit)

Shooty is my first real game I've created. In Shooty, you walk around and shoot the enemies. I implemented yet:

  • Normal enemies:

Normal enemy

  • More dangerous enemies:
More dangerous enemy
  • A boss:

  • Guns:
  • walls:

  • special attacks:

  • a minimap:
  • Texts that provide information about the current round:

  • And much more


  • Other weapon types, like rifles
  • other languages for the game
  • ...

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Hi everyone,

I'm Lukatro, a game developer. Shooty is my first game I created and published on It is created with the Unity Game Engine and the goal is to survive as long as possible. To make that, the players have to shoot at the enemies so they can't kill them. I hope, Shooty is a game that is good enough so at least a few people play it. Check out the game page on

example picture of shooty