Perfect! Thanks!
Recent community posts
The gameplay is great! I was hoping the crank did exactly what it turned out to do, which was a fun surprise: it randomizes the letters in your hand to help you see words you might not otherwise.
I see in the system menu that there's an option to abandon the run—does this mean that if I go Home it saves the run?
Update: While I haven't noticed any bugs, the game does seem to pause a bit when submitting longer words.
Just grabbed this from catalog and am really enjoying the Arcade mode. I loved Jezzball back in the day and was hoping someone would make a version of it for playdate.
The campaign game escalates in difficulty too much for me so don't think I'll be playing through it. I also found it confusing until I came to this page and learned there was a tutorial. I missed the How to Play menu item on the main page and the Tutorial item when starting a new game as in both instances, they were off screen—I suppose I'm coddled by modern games that ensure you go through the tutorial first before dumping you into the main game.
This game is amazing (save for a couple weapons, hehe). I would love to see an update (hell, just sell it as a sequel and I'll buy it) with an additional carrot beyond upgrading your droid. If there were a final depth level to try and get to (maybe there is?) or something that felt more like an end other than upgrade everything (which I'm already enjoying doing), I would love that. Maybe a sequel where you have to rescue other droids and have to drill back up to the surface to get them to the rescue ship?