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A member registered Oct 02, 2018

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A solid start! Looks great, Im looking foward where this goes. Im curious btw, is this a linear VN or there will be routing? Im fine with both.

Lmao I dunno but here is a Like to balance things out XD

This one is not that bad, this MC at leas has some background, something. There are even worse cases where they have no personality, no background and nothing at all. They are there just to be the generic dude.

I wish i could become a werewolf myself. I dont mind having to craft an antilycan from time to time, even if its not a canon in the end, i would really like to be one.

Amazing world building and writing, its intresting so learn about the wolf culture even if you dont agree whith something from it. Its a really nice VS and the art is really beautifull as well. Also i totally fell for Ranok, i cant deny that XD. 
One last thing i want to share, this is just an opinion but, i dont think the player should be able to choose the name of the MC, the default name is very intresting and i feel it is ruined by just typing a generic name. 

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well I didn´t have any way to know that XD so yeah, will be on 22 for sure.


Well you have to wait like 5 days more or less. The next update will be about jun btw.

Hey WOTB do you have twitter?

I dont really think that any kind of visual novel has a cannon route. Just a Cannon name for the MC

Well i saw shoichi getting a little jelous at the jun route. That was kinda cute.

Hmmm... Maybe he can prepare the meal for their first date with MC adn Jun or Keisuke... and... well... you know how that would end.

Dreams tend to be totally random. I think that dream was caused by those "new" feelings of the MC about him. Not necesary being at the festival.

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I dont know if you already mentioned this or not, but i want to know ,  are you planning to add some bad endings to the game? or there will be no bad ending?

Its in development, actually i think the next update will be about him.

That's great! Well now we will have to wait.  Thanks.

The story and the character development is totally amazing. I loved it. This visual novels feels fresh and original. Its not like the typical furry visual novel where the is just porn and porn and even more porn (it dont mean that those ones are bad) . Here i can feel their conection, how their relationship is growing. Its just...great.  I wish you lot of luck and i hope you can keep going with this proyect until its finished.
Also... are you planning to add some more emotions sprites to saya-chan? I mean she totally deserve some. At least one with a murderer aura, one angry and one with a "sigh" face.