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A member registered Sep 07, 2019

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I wanna say that I really love the OST as well! It is one of the many reasons that got me in love with this game. 

*a bit of spoilers*

Damn, playing his route really reminds me of my depressed days as well. It was a very hard decision whether to do drugs with him when being intimate. Well, I suppose doing drugs won't kill vampires make us feel a bit better? 

Hi Suane! I do agree that you cant change people in a way. All you can is to love Heath as he is, see him as he is. Not just his pretty boy apperance or the sweetness and the coyness act he had put on. However I wished I had more impact haha! Best to you too

I'm totally with you guys! After playing the game I literally couldn't sleep and kept thinking about the characters! They felt so real in a way, and you wish there was something more, its like you wanna hold on that little piece of heaven. 

I agree too! I was depressed during my high school years, drown in self loathe and self pity, maybe thats the reason why I'm drawn to Heath in the beginning. I really love all the characters too, and I wish I could do anything to make them suffer less.

The Crow is one of my fave movies ever! I lost count how many times Ive rewatched. And the really love the music too, it was very hynoptizing and makes me deeply immersed and invested in the story.  

However, I think the Crow has a more "completed" ending, at least it kinda makes me satisfied. At least, Eric had his revenge, at least, he is with Shelly now. Yet most of RE:H endings left me puzzled and unsatisfied, I felt like there is more to the endings. Especially Heath's, literally none of his endings make me feel better, and boy his special was very soul crushing for me. Although, I really love him and I wish he was better of a person.

Hi, my name is Shirlee and Lulababy is the name I go by online. I must say that I really love Red Embrace Hollywood! I haven't finish the game yet, but I've gone through all Heath's endings and some of Markus'. Now I'm trying Randal's routes to get all Markus' endings. 

I would really love to have a feature in the gallery where I can click and rewatch endings. Because now it's just text and words marked in red which doesn't have any purpose (other than informing the player that you had unlocked something). Most visual novels I've played, especially Japanese ones have this feature. I hope the developers see this and consider adding this in the future!

I've been waiting this game for almost a year! The first character which caught my eye was Heath, whom I've gone through all his routes. I suppose you can say that I'm deeply hypnotized by this beauty, and the coyness he displayed in the beginning. When I met him, I was thinking he probably loves drugs and sensitive inside. Turns out, I was right. However, I was a bit upset because however the choices, I couldn't make him better, or change him in a good way. Either way, he's always very lost and distant. He was deeply immersed in his lost dreams, and he doesn't want to be present here, with me. I suppose, I can only love him as he is. Although, I wish he had more confidence and the will to carry himself around without relying on the MC too much. He was just very souless and it's sad there were no endings that could redeem him.

As for Markus, I really get to love him when I play his route! It seems he is much more of a person than Heath is. I never thought that he is actually asexual, to be honest, LOL. I felt a bit sorry when I made to choice to be physically intimate with him hahaha. I really enjoyed playing his route. I'm going to play a bit more and unlock his other endings.