The gym is bug, it is normally available all time and there is two more woman in it. You can wait anvil to fix it or there is someone who explain how to debug it very easily in a comment below, but you must fix it in the begging of a new game, or else it might get you problem.
Recent community posts
I want to post my experience so far. A great game, the 0.7 was worth the waiting, but the bug, notammentaly the gym bug are kinda frustrating, i hope you correct it quickly. For the rest, well i hope you will update it a little more, notamently a general update (possibility to fatten up the cinema girl and adding some more girl), a rework update (there are still some image that are worth reworking) and an ending update (i only test jamie so far, and for her, her associated content lack a little, more interaction with the girl and a little minigame for gestionning the socieaty would be cool). instead of all this little things, this is a great game, Anvil, you did a well job. (correct the bug tought).
Yo anvil, I know that this game must not be your principal life project and it must be more pression to take on but... You don't talk that much lately, are you ok ? Like are you sick, or just not feeling well, that's very worrying so if you could just give us some news that would be cool. Hoping you are doing well.
This game was great, do you intend to improve it or not ? If yes, could you put a class system in this game, with different pplayable character and capacity. It would be cool to offer possibility to lose weight since it's part of the gameplay and more different feeding situation. And if you could find an artist interest by the project, that would be the tiny last piece to perfection, the ai art are very good but it as limitation. This game was very great, the gameplay is fun and challenging and the boss are very cool.