i unlocked Leneth about a month ago I'm not positive but i had to go to the command center list and click the baby blue icon with the two guards with spears facing each other like blocking a path to get the unmarked quest to recruit Leneth after she was introduced to me as the cave roommate to the hellhound after the CG scene to access the command center list for those who are unaware just hover over the command center building after construction and press your interaction key like you would to talk to an npc if I'm incorrect please wait for the Dev to answer if this solution to your problem this is an unmarked quest note - i have unlocked all the equipment and development i could in the current build so it could require a technology level i unlocked on a whim because i wanted too also to complete this unmarked quest after the dialog with Gunther Ryen should say something about recruiting Leneth then you can talk to her and do the unmarked quest to recruit Leneth as a Vanguard Squad Leader
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i recently talked to Aika Thanka where she askes you to find her two missing sisters the first line of the quest objectives asks you to find the strongest brawler in Amagal but i'm unable to find this brawler so i'm unable to progress the quest does anyone know where this Brawler is so i can find Bennika Thanka and progress the quest apologies if this is already an open topic already i was unable to find any mention of this quest or topic on google or through out the walkthrough guide in addition to an actual list of the vanguard squad leaders other than bits and pieces but nothing that definitively tells you who your looking for and what quests you need to do to unlock them i'm assuming that Aika Thanka is the missing vanguard squad leader i'm missing i could be wrong but as stated I've yet to find any physical list separating vanguard squad leaders from side characters and the main characters and i've hit a wall in progression of the "Brutal Oni Sisters" quest so i cant confirm if they're the missing squad leader i'm looking for or if my game is just bugged or if i've hit the wall of unreleased content until next update.
Vanguard Squad Leaders I've been able to confirmed so far list:
1. Jessy, 2. Worilla, 3. Fang, 4. Magdalene, 5. Ailluin, 6. Bristol, 7. Lili, 8. Kurohime, 9. Alcena, 10. Wendy, 11. Frall, 12. Phyrra, 13. Owen, 14. Mia, 15. Leneth, 16. Unreleased Character, 17. (Idk this character's name yet), 18. Unreleased Character, 19. Della, 20. Scruffy.
If anyone knows the quest for each vanguard leaders name please put the quest by the vanguard leaders name for newbies like me as a minor guide that is i need of actual making thank you for your help with the Vanguard squad leader listings for newbies like me.
I've had the same bug or so i just need to open the boarder to turn the quest in because i let the couple go and tried to send the soldiers back to Dorgania kingdom was i supposed to execute them all only or do the same action to all NPCS to complete the quest? (those are the actions i took and i encountered this bug please explain developer person i really don't wanna have to restart my game to try and get around this issue)