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A member registered Apr 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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Oops yeah that sounds like a bug haha. I will look into it. Thanks!

I got sucked into working in the next level so I forgot to check for comments. xD

For some reason, old Castlevania games made stuff drop incredibly fast when walking off a platform compared to jumping. Kinda wanted to replicate that quirk haha.

On the other hand, maybe it would be good to make zombies avoid falling.

Thanks for your comment!

Thanks! I should be making another update in about 2 or 3 days, this one will be larger and resembling an actual game. Please look forward to it!

Thanks a lot! Im gonna give that a try sometime.

In line 117 of the weed's code I added this RNG check that runs every frame that the weed is on the floor. When the check passes, I simply set the vertical velocity to -60, making it bounce a little. Since I stored the capacity to jump in a separate variable, these little bounces don't interfere if you wanted to jump, and a bounce happened to take place just before, similar to how the boot works in Mario 3 where you can jump even if its currently bouncing.

For the color changes, I actually cheated quite a bit for this one haha. The whole game is actually in grayscale, I couldnt find the proper way to do it in time, so the shortcut I took was to add a UI node, with a ColorRect covering the whole screen. I then turned it into a Shader which multiplies its own color value with that of what's behind it, basically coloring the whole scene. Since this was obstructing the whole scene however, it made it impossible to click on things, which is why I have it removed on game over.

Thanks! Going for that color pallette was a way for me to scope the project down a little while still maintaining a certain aesthetic. Working with few colors turned out to be a different kind of challenge though, since it then had me thinking about dithering.

The music was thanks to a friend, VanillaLucia. She is very talented and honestly knocked it out of the park with this one.

Really nice and original! Really loved the aesthetics too, and fits the theme quite nicely. The controls feel a bit sticky though. Maybe its because you're a slime.

For real though, it seems you put a little bit of anticipation into your jump animations, which is a nice principle to follow when it comes to animation, but it can make games feel a bit unresponsive and laggy. The squishing animation can be used as follow-through for landing however!

All in all, definitely loved the concept and it was fun to play. Great job!

Definitely loved the adventure-y feel of the music. Also the rolling animation was simple but very effective! Loved the controls too, felt like it had some weight to it and were well adapted to the platforming challenge.

(1 edit)

I've wanted to make games for a long time and finally decided to jump into a game jam to force myself to learn Godot.

I consider this project a great success, as I learned a ton along the way. Check the game's page for more information on how to play, etc.

Thanks for stopping by!