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A member registered Jun 29, 2017 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

Thanks for the words. May I rec some other domino club games in this vein like like ziptie choker, traumakt, victim doll, gutless, partition and the domino club game

Glad you got to the end!

(1 edit)

Was just working on a little update with a few more scenes (and scene selector).

Still working on the text bug, though. Disabling some browser extensions may help.

you should go ahead, its very fun. you can download the game and play with the structure

Thanks! It was quite challenging, but I'm happy how it turned out, and it even looks great in a real gameboy color!

Thanks for reporting and for your kind words. We had to release as it was for the jam, but we'll make an update with quite a few fixes soon!

is the text cut in a specific scene or everywhere? which browser are you using? plays best in firefox

hey erik, thanks! no playdate port is in the works sadly, we also think it would go great there but it's more work than we can afford at this time

hey, still looking for someone? I'm a programmer and a bit of everything else, so let's team up if you want.

this so good

super cute!

so hot and wet!

can relate

Thank you very much for reporting, I'll update the links right now!

space trousers

Thanks for playing! And we might do some downloadable versions soon!

thanks for your feedback, and we're glad you enjoyed it!

muy bueno! termine comprando las papitas, que es, a fin de cuentas, lo mas importante.

un pequeño bug, se puede meter la tarjeta en el aire cuando ya lo estan reparando y hace devuelta el evento.

lovely <3

RenJS community · Created a new topic New discord server!

Hello everyone!

I've set up a discord server for RenJS, so you can share the games you make, follow up on new RenJS features and see the development roadmap. You will also get news about a visual GUI editor that's in the works.

Please, be excellent to each other! 

Hope to see you there:


Really cute!

Disgustingly awesome!

Will do so, thanks for your feedback!

it's a remake of supaplex, who is supposed to be a remake of boulder dash

:) thanks! i'm glad you enjoyed it!

You can use grow on the statue to cross that stream

There was only an optional boss to fight in the ice temple. In any case, the fight system is kind of broken since I didn't spent too much time on it. This game was a birthday present for a dear friend, and I only released it because to have it somewhere, I'm glad people can enjoy it a bit even then. :)

Good to know, I'll have to make a few revisions.

There has to be a passage from inside the waterfall cave, going up, and you end up in that side of the map.

for the desert path, you need to activate the three ice stones around to open the temple. after nuru is left alone, he has to go back and find boris to learn new magic, to activate the ice stones

i think you can get that chest after activating all the stones (activate them with the spell) there are five stones in the forest: the one where you appear first, the second is very close on the second map, to the right. third in the next map you can go up on the left side, where the owls are, fourth after crossing the bridge, final one is on the big waterfall map, at the end of the path to the left. when you activate them all, the screen will shake and you will be able to continue with the path to the right side of the big waterfall

Hey, you're right, you have to freeze the vines. To climb the tree you need to activate the three fire stones, one is in the cave, another is next to the lake and there's one on top of the hills almost at the start of the map

With X you open the menu and you should be able to do some spells from there. For example, when trying to climb the frozen vines, you need to use fire spell first.

And thanks for playing!

Hey, you can go down over the column on the right side. Have you checked there?

Hello, it depends mostly on your OS. I've had some reports of this happening, for example, with MacOs or some browsers on linux. Try another browser, or, if it's still an issue, you should be able to run it as a local server. The open source text editor Brackets allows you to run files in a server very easily, by pressing a button. Another option is tu run the python simpleHttpServer from a terminal.

Let me know if it works for you.


Hello computer science student, sorry for the delay, here's more or less what you should do: 

The visual choices are loaded as buttons in the screen. In PhaserJS, a button has this parameters:

button(x, y, key, callback, callbackContext, overFrame, outFrame, downFrame, upFrame, group)

That's the position where the button will be displayed, the image "key", the function that will execute when pressed and then the frames, that's where all the magic happens.

The image reference can be a static image (in which case has only one frame) or a spritesheet, with many frames. As it is in RenJS, we assume the visual choices will be a static image, so for the frames I use 0 value for all of them (line97 in LogicManager.js):

var button = game.add.button(position.x,position.y,str[0],function(){

See all the 0,0,0,0 are the frames, you just have to load a spritesheet and use different values. You don't need to have 4 different frames, you can have two normally (normal and hover) and use the frames 1,0,1,0.

The second most important thing is, the images have to actually be spritesheets. You can load spritesheets easily in the setup.yaml file:

      icecream_choice: assets/effects/ice_cream.png 100 100

In this case, we're loading a spritesheet for our icecream_choice, with frames of 100x100 pixels. That means each frame in the image is 100x100. I.e. if I have 2 frames, the image will be 100x200.

With that little change then it should work. Let me know if there's any issue.


Hi Asthenosphere, it's not implemented in the last version yet, but if you're a bit of a coder I can help you set it up. Let me know!

Hello Yuna, it's easy to do, but you'll have to use a call function to set the name.

First, the characters have two names, an id, which is used in the script, and a name that will be shown in the name box. The id can never change, so if you have a character that represents the player, you can use, for example, "player" as the id. What you need to do is change the name property of the character so that when you make them talk, the new name will appear in the name box, instead of "player".

The characters are their own object, and the property for the display name is called "name". The characters are all stored in a map, accessible from the Character Manager (RenJS.chManager.characters), and you access each one indexed by their id. On the other hand, the variables are stored also in a map, in the Logic Manager (RenJS.logicManager.vars). Knowing this, it's easy to make a custom function to change a character name.

I'll give you an example with the Quickstart. The character with id "deuzi" has a displayName property defined in the setup as "Deuzilene".


    displayName: Deuzilene
    speechColour: "#ca90cf"
      normal: assets/characters/Char3Normal.png
      happy: assets/characters/Char3Happy.png


  - play morningBGM:
  - show room: WITH FADE CONTINUE
  - show deuzi: happy AT CENTER WITH FADE
  - var username: Sandrine
  - deuzi says: I prefer to be called by my middle name, {username}.
  - call changeName:
      character: deuzi
      name: username
  - deuzi says happy: That's much better!

In this case I just used a normal variable to store the new name, but you will use the one obtained from the input. The new name will appear only after calling the function changeName, with two parameters, the character id (deuzi), and the variable where we have the new name (username). In this way, you can change any name you want. Finally, let's see what's inside the changeName function:


RenJS.customContent = {
    //put here your own functions
    changeName: function (params) {
        //params is a map with {character,name}
        //lookup of the character with "character" id
        var character = RenJS.chManager.characters[params.character];
        //lookup the content of the variable with "name" id
        var newName = RenJS.logicManager.vars[];
        //change the character name property = newName;
        //continue with the game

Hope you can make it work, and let me know if there's more I can help you with.



This feature is important ans should work, so I will fix it anyway, but any donation on the engine is very welcomed.