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A member registered Mar 29, 2021 · View creator page →

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thank you sm for your kind words 🥺 😭

aaah thank you for playing and for your comments!! the smoke isn't perfect but I was still proud of it! 

I wish the best for them too (I say, as if I don't have control over it all)... thanks for commenting <3 

thanks for playing!! (it hurt me to write it!)

I'll be writing my own post-mortem so no one is subjected to me rambling for too long BUT!

This is my first time participating in a ranked jam and it's been... an experience?

Firstly, grappling with the idea of being rated myself? I have horribly fluctuating self-esteem, and while I'm proud of my little project, there is always going to be a part of me that compares myself to others and feels bad, especially with so much talent on display. Honestly, though, I'm not really thinking about the ratings I'll receive anymore, I'm just happy to have taken part. It'll actually be nice to be able to quantifiably see where things didn't connect for people. I've done post-game surveys before, but they are more player-based than dev-based, and I think the peer feedback would be helpful.

Secondly. HOW. DO YOU. RATE. GAMES?!
I've had a crisis of conscience to be honest, because I feel like the ratings are personal, and yet somehow I feel like my opinion should not be held in any regard. My personal taste is silly and specific, there are so many games here that I honestly would've never explored where it not for the jam (which makes me the poorer one), but I do find the idea of rating things unfamiliar and strange?
The category that gave me the most trouble was theme incorporation. Is it my enjoyment of the theme incorporation? The level of theme incorporation?
Anyway, I feel like I'm failing a test somehow...

Thank you for playing to anyone who has been subjected to my game, and thank you hosts for arranging this wonderful(ly stressful) time for us <3

im stupid and at first i thought you were declaring ME a love interest... like okay tbf whatever robo says goes

Wow thank you so much for the kind words! I usually try to avoid things like this but it seems once a year I must let the angst out in some form :')  

sorry for the burning eyes!! </3 

thank you so much!! so glad you enjoyed (and poetic notes, waah i weep) <3

offering up a tissue for you!!

aahh I'm honoured by this comment, thank you for playing <3 

Thank you! 

And haha army guys in fiction I'm all for... army guys in real life? 👀 ... yeah nevermind 💀😂

Ahhh thank you!! <3

Thanks for playing!

vibes are immaculate in the worst way <3 

this is a super cohesive story that left me perplexed and horrified, with many questions! 

i thoroughly enjoyed the choices/reactivity and the thoughtfulness therein.

(also the strangers are kind of cute if we ignore uhm... everything?? id totally end up being the molly that just happily eats the cake and has new friends. Oops)

This game struck me. The text effects used when the character is deadnamed and has the wrong pronouns used is fantastic. I have never felt those glimpses I have into dysphoria captured in such an apt way. 

I loved the characters eyes and the stories they tell!

Fantastic narrative that really sucked me in and made me feel!

I enjoyed the backgrounds and their abstract nature, as well as how I feel the colours complement the story.

I really enjoyed the strength of comedy in some of the lines of this game, truly had me laughing and saying aloud "that's brilliant!" 

I was very intrigued by the characters!

I echo the sentiment of the narrative being a little hard to follow, but assume as English readers we aren't getting the authentic experience 😉 

LOVE the aesthetic and sound design of this brilliant game that left me with a great sense of dread <3 

(also hey cool name for your character, great choice LOL)

I'm pleased it left you curious, thanks for the kind words <3

Narrative praise from you is a dream, thanks Michael <3

glad I could create some intrigue, thank you!

aahhh i feel that sense of grief so often from media i love, so to inspire that in someone else makes me feel very privileged, thank you so much for playing and for your words <3

SKAI my heart!! <3 thank you so much for playing and enjoying!! <3

aww thank you so much 🥲 glad it hit the spot! <3

Hoped to capture that early-hours deep asf conversation vibes, glad it came across ❤️

thank you for playing and leaving a comment <3

I make them and I still feel embarrassed sometimes, lol! the only thing cringe is judging what harmless silly little games make people happy so yes, just enjoy!! or if this game isnt to your taste, i hope you find ones that are!! <3

Some things might not be to your taste, and that's fine! But comments like this are hurtful to real people working very hard to make these games, all for free from out of sheer passion. 

Please consider reframing your comments in a kinder way in future, or expressing something in a constructive manner rather than just saying it's 'bad'. 

As one of the said 'voice actors', I'm just a humble silly editor with a mic who just happened to be the duck, but the rest of the cast are dedicated talent who are in tons of things, are always honing their craft, and I think deserve some consideration in this matter ❤️

If there is something about story that isn't to your personal tastes, that's also cool! But again, such comments aren't particularly helpful or encouraging. I know many of us are open to constructive feedback when framed properly, but 'not too bad' is something we can't really work with.

All the writers and the director of this project worked super hard on bringing something comedic, light-hearted and engaging, I personally have no doubts the full game will live up to expectations! 

holding your heart pieces tenderly (sorry)

Something tells me they'll be just fine... one day <3


Thank you so much for the lovely comment! (I miss MSN now, nooo)

Absolutely blessed to have such kind words from you, and they mean so much! Thank you again <3

aaah Tyme! Thank you so much <3 An honour coming from you!

Aww, I sure hope so! And thank you ❤️

... Me too 😭


pls scoop !! pls scoop!!!!!!!! 

so honoured to have you play, please nom on the game file very slowly!! <3 don't overfeed on the game file as it is VERY DANGEROUS!! 

SERIOUSLY this was a blast to make to thank you for blessing us all with nico's existence <3 

Aaah tysm!!! Everyone did amazingly and im so glad you liked the story ❤️ 

Will definitely have to get some art of the Halloween costume, yes, for professional science... nothing else! ;)


(1 edit)

Thank you so much Snackiezz, you are FAR too sweet! (I wish I had a golden touch, hmm)

NICO STANNING appreciated ✨️ King deserves it fr !! Your reactions are everything so tysm for sharing 😭😭❤️

"I miss him and I dont even know him" AAAAAAAAAH


Your comments are so sweet as always! Everyone did so amazingly, and it's wonderful to see everyone's efforts recognised! (AND THE ALMIGHTY DUCK)
I will IGNORE your distrust of my DEAR BOY NICO ;), though glad it is balanced with thirst too hehe

Thank you for playing, and maybe one day I'll pick up the story again <3

Thank you so much for your absolutely lovely comments, I'm floating right now! 

As a BDSM practitioner I'm certainly hoping to make a healthy representation of their relationship (especially when things happen for real), so I hope I can deliver on that! 

Thank you again!