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Lunar Falls

A member registered Mar 30, 2021 · View creator page →

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Yes, it is! We are planning on releasing the demo in the next few months.

Hi there! Apologies for the confusion.

We currently don’t have an updated version of The Glass Coffin available to play yet. The only available build of the game is the old one from our previous page.

However, we plan for the new demo to be released in the first half of 2022. The demo will be free to play!

Once we have a release date set, we’ll be announcing it here and over on our Twitter (@TheGlassCoffin_). 

Hopefully this clears things up!

The Glass Coffin community · Created a new topic General
(1 edit)

Share general feedback and comments about The Glass Coffin here!

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Thank you!

(1 edit)

Ask questions about The Glass Coffin here and/or view our F.A.Q.

If you're running into any problems downloading or running the game, this is the place for you! We'll do our best to troubleshoot the issues.

Our F.A.Q. will be updated periodically, so please check it before asking any questions!


Will this game be commercial or free-to-play?
The demo of the game will be free-to-play, but the full release will be commercial. The price of the game has yet to be determined.

Will there be multiple love interests?
No; Dr. Moon is the only planned love interest for Rei.

Will there be a choice guide/walkthrough of the game?
Yes! We'll be making a regular choice guide, as well as a spoiler-free one. The spoiler-free one which will omit certain details about choices and branches (ex. Choice A (+1 Intuition)).

When will the game be released?
We are a very small team, so we're unable to provide a release date at this time. However, we plan for the demo to be released sometime this year.

The Glass Coffin community · Created a new topic Reviews

Share your reviews of The Glass Coffin here. If possible, make sure to tag your spoilers too!

[Thread currently locked until the demo is released.]

Post typos, bug reports, and other game issues here.

Please attach screenshots or detailed reports if possible so that we can identify the issues quickly. Thank you!

[Thread currently locked until the demo is released.]