Hi, sorry I didn't see this until just now. I mostly just tried to reference things from the show, so if there's anything you like, feel free to use it as inspiration too. If you still want to talk, my Discord name is Feyntan.
Lunar Garde
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I don't want to release the project publicly as it is. It's very messy and unoptimized. But I have made the Hibiki model available (which is also kind of a mess). Made in blender 2.79
There's a mechanic called enemy step, which comes from DMC. You can jump off another character if you're in the air and touching them, and it resets your air options like your double jump and air dash. I'm more concerned with the fact that the walls are missing in that screenshot. How did that happen?
That meter is basically for aggression. Things like running toward your opponent and attacking will build it. Running away will drain it. If yours is much lower than your opponent's and the match times out, your opponent wins. It's so you can't just hit and then keep running away until time runs out.
I'm not certain. As far as a CPU, I think it should be fine offline, but if you play online, I'm not sure how well it would deal with heavy rollbacks. If you don't have a graphics card, I don't know how well integrated graphics would run the game, but it has some graphics settings that you could try turning down.