Thank you!
I'm really happy that you enjoyed my game and especially my choice of art direction.
Cheers mate!
Thank you for your feedback :)
I used only box colliders at first but I didn't get the slippery feel i was going for which was why I decided to use circles for the bottom part. But tbh it was a quick fix and could probably be better achieved with only a box collider with some more work.
I have coyote time added, the problem is that the rigidbody is slightly moving when it's on top of another character, making the velocity change in both directions.y quite frequently. I'm aware of where the problem occurs in my code but decided not to fix it since this was very much a quick prototype and I set my deadline for this jam on Sunday.
Thank you, I'm so happy that you liked my characters :D
I'm using both box and circle colliders. The top of the characters have a box collider so you can easier stand on them but the bottom part is a circle. I'm aware that the controls are a bit clunky and sometimes very unresponsive (especially when you're standing on top of a character). I might go back to the game in the future and do something more with it since I kinda like the idea I came up with.