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Yah! Totally appreciate that. I guess I'm depending on the ethics/morals/personal-judgments of the people who buy my work to do what they think is right. I was deciding between CC-BY-SA and CC0, and I think I decided on SA because I wanted anyone who modified the art to also distribute their art by the same license.
My friends and I have just started an Impulse Drive campaign, and it is really cool! We really like the out-of-combat stuff and are pretty handy with it, but we're not so sure about the combat. Are there any examples of combat we can see? I don't think we're necessarily playing combat out correctly. Any help would be amaazing.
To note: I've played a year of Pathfinder, a year of Quest, some D&D5e, but not much else.
Old Woman Josiah ran a poll and we got:
#1 "Patience is a virtue"
#2 "Decay"
You don't have to use the themes, but people have been *excited* talking about it in the discord serve. Pop in and chat with us :)
Like any other elite mob, a game jam is going to require a diverse skillset. Please introduce yourself and what you bring to the party. I *think* there are messaging tools to connect, otherwise, please just post in the thread. I've been around the block a few times, so if you need help I can help guide any adventuring crew to appropriate-yet-exciting adventures.
Anyways, I'm Raffy. I'd probably be considered a jack of all trades Red Mage type. I pretty self sufficient with 2D art and C#, but I do have a weakpoint in my inability to hold a tune. I hope to be helpful