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Luna Studios

A member registered Aug 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hey Mii! Thank you so so much for playing our game! <3 We loved reading your review and watching your playthrough for it, thank you for the praise, and we are pleased to hear that we somewhat managed to convey the feelings of a person in grief, the team is a little caught up with other work but we do plan on putting the next chapter for this out sometime soon, so please look forward to it !

Hi Kirupi!! Thankyou for your detailed comment! We're so happy that you loved all that the game had to offer and took time with the choices, everything in the game has been worked on from scratch and to have someone appreciate every element and comment on it is very reaffirming and encourages us to put in our best in the work to come!! We hope you'll like the coming chapters and enjoy them just as much if not more! <3

Thankyou!!! AND THANKYOU SO MUCH FOR PLAYING OUR GAME AND SHARING IT ON YOUR PLATFORM!! It means so much to us that you took time to do that, we hope you enjoy the full release as well!

Thankyou for commenting and sharing your thoughts with us, we made everything in this purely from scratch so hearing that you enjoyed it and that the elements compliment each other as well means so much to us! Hope you enjoy the coming updates too!!

Hi Justin!! Thankyou so much for taking the time out to play through the game, we're so happy to hear that it resonated with you ;u;, 

And we really REALLY appreciate you taking the time out to write in detail about the grammatical errors you came across and the suggestions on what to write instead!

Rest assured we will patch them up

Again thankyou so much for taking time out to play our game and writing such a detailed review, It made us super happy and meant a lot, We hope you stick around to play the full game when its released and like it just as you did the prologue.  

Thank you so much!!! ;W;

(1 edit)

Thank you so much!!! We hope you will like what's to come too!

Thank you so much for your kind words, and we are glad to know that it meant something to you! 

I hope things get easier for you <3

Thank you so much for playing the game and your insightful and helping comment.

Yeah I had a feeling that people might struggle with the idea of that click skipping the dialogue instead of writing it complete and moving forward to the next one on another click was only because the game was very short, and I just wanted to in a way like add some time and depth so as people read each word slowly, it hits them as if it's their own actual thoughts.

I am so happy you commented and loved the game, I will definitely improve with my next game!