Ok. This is epic.

Cool game man, might be a bit too difficult for me but that's a personal preference.
One thing I do suggest is the game automatically launches Steam VR for me, I'm not sure if the game has a VR mode and I should probably check to see if it does work in VR but if not might be worth looking at your character controller and remove any HMD stuff on it.
Other than that, cool game man!!
Thanks for your kind words and going through the effort of making and editing a video. One thing I should point out which I didn't make clear in the game, the car has to be at a complete stop before you change gear but I'll make note of that in the update.
I'm hoping to release an update this weekend. :D
After watching your video I've learned that I need to make my description of the controls more clear so thank you for making me notice that.
18 holes is a possibility if I decide to continue development of this game which is not guaranteed yet due to having other projects I need to work on.
Thank you again and good luck with your channel. :)