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Lunatic 0verlord

A member registered Mar 04, 2022

Recent community posts

Oh hey, looks like Lady Wolf is gonna have some fun.

So am I. Even though I would've preferred getting it on Steam.

Oh well. I hope I get to bang the hot minotaur girl, soon :)

Shame that things didn't work out for the Steam release :(

Right, thanks :)

Neat. Though I think this game is telling me that my laptop is getting old, since it lags even on the lowest quality :(

Aside from that, how do I deal with the hackers? The Phone Guy doesn't tell me what action to pull against hackers.

Nor does he tell me what those clown masks are about.

So does Kasen, and she's a powerful oni  hermit. She's way above Meiling in every way.

And the oni species in general is known for having physical strength beyond other youkai species.

Meiling, meanwhile, couldn't beat a lone ice fairy. She has NEVER defeated a single named character in canon. She lost ALL her onscreen fights. She knows martial arts, but those martial arts couldn't win against the magic of an ice fairy. So there's NO WAY she could possibly win against an Extra Boss.

What's odd is that the previous game is still up on Steam.

Which is why I trust him as far as I can throw all the stuff he stood up on combined, including the stuff he'll be standing up on in later updates that aren't out, yet.

I'm glad you got the reference :)

I don't trust that guy with his trumpet.

The last time I saw a poncho-wearing guy who liked to hang in high places to play the trumpet, he turned out to be the MAIN VILLAIN of the game duology.

I've got my eyes on that dude and his trumpet.

Neat, thanks.

I do hope that the cute dark elf gets to take part in some sexy stuff, soon. Hopefully in some stuff she gets to CHOOSE to take part in, this time.

We need more naked girls doing hot things.

I know, right?

3 was HARD AS NAILS, but 4 was laughably easy.

I guess, but the other girls are the actual easy part.

The strategy doesn't work on Stage 3.

Those dickeyes with tentacles outrange everything I can stat and the only creature with range CAN'T HAVE MORE THAN 1 HP!

You know what? This game really need a walkthrough. The average player wouldn't be able to make it through without one.

EVERY level should have a walkthrough.

Then it honestly makes the game less appealing, sadly.

It's so hard and unintuitive and there's no real reason to invest myself in it.

It honestly would've been better to give the game an easy mode than to make the whole game pointless by giving a key to the backdoor from the start.

Well, I played more...and I can tell you that two units are useless and the third one is only usable after 15 runs. The slingshot never shoots anything and the red slime does nothing. Meanwhile, the blue slime only gets good enough to kill something (by ganging up on a single enemy with a full team of 5 or 6) after around 15 runs.

So reaching the 15 run goal is impossible unless I get REALLY lucky with exp sales.

You sure about that? None of my minions seem to do anything before they're riiiight in the face of the enemies.

Range is useless.

Well first, I tried to level up all units at once, but they kept dying in one hit from almost anything. Not to mention that only the blue slime would ever attack.

Then, I decided to focus on the blue slime, but no matter how much I level it up, it can never kill anything. And focusing on numbers doesn't help, either. The best I can do is raise HP once or twice to have the blue slimes survive more than one attack, but no other stat raising seems to do anything. It's only after the 15 goal that leveling up seems to do anything.

Like, are the other two units even able to ATTACK at all?

How is this game even supposed to be played?

My units are wimpier than legless goombas. They wouldn't be able to harm a fly even if they tried.

Doesn't matter how much exp I pour into them, they can't kill ANYTHING.

Is the game glitched or something?

The ending kinda breaks the willing suspension of disbelief.

I get what you were aiming for, but you got the wrong girl for the job.
Her track record makes her the canonically weakest member of the GDF, as she's the only one among the GDF members to have canonically lost to the boss from the stage before her own.

You should've gone for one of the onis.

Sad :( One of the core six is missing :(

Will the Smol Shark get some more fun stuff? Or maybe a well-deserved break?

Hooray, new update XD

I didn't know that practice mode was a thing. Thanks.

I know about the whole "sideways vs spinning" thing. It's the water attacks that cause me trouble. Especially since the water sprinkles, which are hard to see, also hurt.

I'll say it right now.

Fatty Whale is by far my least favorite.

Too durable for what is a bosh rush boss, and especially with how this game is meant to play.

He takes too long to properly damage and has attacks that have very wonky hitboxes.

And as the third part of the Holo Defense battle, he just comes off as mean and unfair.

Trust me, I wouldn't be as hateful towards him if he was a standalone boss.

Still can't get past him.

Yeah, good games deserve to be obtained legitimately.

Okay, thanks for answering :)

Say, does the game have any kind of threat or is it entirely about exploring?

Say, how does it feel to get a console port?

(1 edit)

You know, I quickly took interest in Misty, as she reminded me of a cute girl I like.

And then, she said something that made it clear that she was inspired by her.

How cute :3

I see two apps. One has -32 next to it.

Which should I open?

Well, once you get to the later girls, the game DOES get easier.

Now then, you could have a gallery mode for the various game overs and endings, in later updates.

Easy? That boss cheats and keeps fully healing every time.

And he levels up so fast that it's impossible to keep up.

Well, the game is already kinda hard, so ways to balance out the difficulty would be nice as well.

(1 edit)

Where can I find the other two cursed items?

Got the apple, but I have no idea what the other items are.

I say it's duck season and I say fire!

Sorry, had to say it.

Aya looks kinda cute.

Can't wait for the full release :D

Where can I find an English version?

At least I can still play the game even if I don't understand it.