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Luther C.

A member registered Sep 25, 2019 · View creator page →

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I like the idea of the game and story so far is quite interesting, especially the worldbuilding aspects. That being said, I find it extremely jarring to see characters treat each other like old buddies despite meeting for the first time. Same goes with the general attitude and way of speaking for characters. It's hard to see medieval times people acting very casual, almost completely ignoring class, and not think something's off. I get it that for us to get to the meat of story we need the characters to interact and reveal details about themselves but I think that current pace doesn't really match the time window we've been given. I believe the problem could be easily fixed if they just had more time to spend together. Make it a time skip if you must.

(2 edits)

Since I really like both Echo and TSR (Adastra is a whole other can of worms) I'd have to disagree with you. And I say this despite me absolutely getting fucked up by the Echo "good ending is just the less bad ending" sthick. 

Those stories were never meant to be happy ones. They were from the start about a horrible place, with horrible people and horrible circumstances. The endings reflecting that is what I honestly prefer over some strange happy ending that doesn't match the story.

But what I think these types of games really need to do is have proper synopsises and tagging. If I as the reader can see from the start that this is not a happy story and will not be a nice or comfortable experience then I can go in with that mindset and enjoy the stories for what they are, instead of expecting something that never was promised. 

Go ahead and slap a giant red warning saying "THIS GAME IS NOT A HAPPY GAME, DO NOT EXPECT HAPPY THINGS" everytime you boot up the game if that's what you have to do. Just make it clear that this is not just another slice of life dating VN.

Burry is next! Yes! I love you Raus!

Love how expressive and alive your characters are, both in writing and sprites. Looking forward to seeing more of your work.

Can't wait~!

This game absolutely blew me away. I've read a lot of VNs in my time and I got to say, nothing even comes close to this one. It felt great to lose myself in the novel and just for a moment actually feel like I was hanging out with my group of closest friends. Keep up the good work, the love you've put into this game is clear for all to see and with it you've created something truly wonderful.

Looks amazing as always, keep up the good work!