You can use the hint button on the monitor for more general guidance, there are a few things in the area you can interact with - I'd start by poking around the right tent...
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Glad you're enjoying it!
With the initial release my focus has been entirely on bug-fixing and tweaking based on player feedback, but the plan is for scenes to be developed and released immediately on the Patreon branch, play-tested and then released publicly. There shouldn't be much of a time window between the two branches, once I make a release I will then push the previous release to the public.
The good news is that there have been fewer major bugs than I had expected, so I can get started drawing the next scenes right away!
Thanks for your feedback - it looks like a couple of steps were sharing that hint prompt, I've reworked the hints so now every step along the way should have a unique prompt. I plan to change the hint system so each step has multiple hints available to cycle through.
As for having multiple levels available, I think this is a great idea, my plan going forward is to have multiple disks with different sets of levels. I had planned on these disks unlocking linearly, but I think having at least 2 disks available at all times that players can jump between would be a nice way to avoid any frustration.