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Long lines are text wrapped, hooray.
It would be good to have the option (off by default!) for the home/end keys to go to the start/end of the displayed line in the sublime mode.
So if you're on the second W of 'window' in the text below, home would go to before the first W and end would go after the end of 'are'.
|A very long line in a narrow |
|window - pretend there are|
|no line breaks in it! |
I accept that this means home/end might do different things depending on the width of the display, but it's how I like it :)
In trying it again today, it downloads with the right name and the hash of the file is the same...
I have a horrible feeling I accidentally clicked on my copy of Astounding Tales - thus changing the name the downloading file would be called - before creating the new directory for these files.
Sorry for the scare!
The page at https://support.deepdwn.com/docs/guide/shortcuts/ is great - could it be added to the program as a window, in the same way as the preview is displayed?
I find I am using this more and more (thank you!) and would now find being able to create a new file from a template very useful.
Deepdwn knows I do not have any: "No templates created" and offers a "Create one now" button, but when I press it, nothing apparently happens. No new file appears, and the current file does not become a template.
0.38.0 on Linux (appimage)
Before moving and starting without one:
"accent_color": "#d9556a",
"project-directories": [
"theme": "dark",
"ignore_version": "0.33.0",
"spellcheck_languages": [
"powermode": false,
"active_filters": [],
"expanded_section": [
"expanded_folders": [
"active_file": "/home/ian/somefile.md"
"project-directories": [
], "expanded_folders": [
"spellcheck_languages": [
"theme": "auto",
"power_shake_amount": 0,
"active_file": "/home/ian/comefile.md",
"active_filters": []
(Waits for someone to finish using the other PC in the room.)
It's painfully slow on low spec PCs, isn't it? None of the CPU cores is especially busy, there's plenty of spare RAM, so I'm guessing it would really like to avoid Intel integrated graphics...
Similar but different: if I delete US English and have UK English, what's in the settings.json file is both, and restarting results in it being US English only.
My PC is Linux MATE 21.1 (based on Ubuntu 22.04) with 'a reasonable for 2018' Ryzen and Nvidia graphics card. The other one is Ubuntu MATE 22.04, with
a i3-5005U and its integrated graphics.
And they 're both zero length files that get updated with each run:
$ ls -lha .config/Deepdwn/logs/
total 8.0K
drwxrwxr-x 2 ian ian 4.0K Dec 26 09:55 .
drwx------ 12 ian ian 4.0K Dec 26 09:56 ..
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ian ian 0 Dec 26 09:55 error.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ian ian 0 Dec 25 23:38 last_error.log
$ls -lha .config/Deepdwn/logs/
total 8.0K
drwxrwxr-x 2 ian ian 4.0K Dec 26 09:58 .
drwx------ 12 ian ian 4.0K Dec 26 09:58 ..
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ian ian 0 Dec 26 09:58 error.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ian ian 0 Dec 26 09:55 last_error.log
Yes, it spellchecks UK English when asked.
$ls -lha ~/.config/Deepdwn/settings.json
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ian ian 521 Dec 25 13:01 /home/ian/.config/Deepdwn/settings.json
If I look inside, I can see
"spellcheck_languages": [
If I close the program and reopen, that's still there, but Tools/Preferences/Spellcheck languages only shows US English (and all my nice UK English documents show spelling errors!) As I say, other settings seem to be remembered successfully.
I'm using the appimage Linux version and every time I run it and start a new document, it wants to use US English to spellcheck.
Given that it remembers that I don't like the 'earthquake' of power mode, it would be nice if there was a way to get it to remember a different default language.
That ability to remember I've turned it off does mean that I'm not asking for screenshake to be set to zero as a default, but I am surprised that it isn't. Do other people like it?
Enjoyed Spring Falls so much I bought it after having got it in two of the big bundles.
Does having a high nutrition value for fruit really breed more carnivores, or just ensure that they survive because they have more fat herbivores to eat?
I can see that some of the other settings are different between the first two tanks: does this end up generating say carnivores that don't succeed in the third tank because the reproduction settings are different there?
While I am commenting, thanks for being part of one of the abortion rights bundles...