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A member registered May 22, 2021 · View creator page →

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Holy shit, I'm so excited for this. I played the OG YEARS ago now and I've been meaning to replay it for a while, but never got 'round to it. So seeing that it's getting remade is such a splendid surprise :o

I'll definitely be keeping a close eye on updates for this.

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There was just no need for this comment... obviously some games are gonna have pale MCs and that's perfectly fine - it's just a skin colour, I'm not sure why the skin colour matters at all, but the great thing about it being 2024 is that you can go play so many other games with POC MCs instead of wasting your time on writing negative comments under games with a paler MC.

I typically avoid playing demo games because I become way too obsessed and replay them over and over, but it got to the point where I couldn't avoid playing this one any longer - a decision I don't regret making because holy shit. I played it and yes, I did in fact become immediately obsessed. Everything from the art to the writing is so insanely good. All the characters are so pretty as well? Gosh I love it. 

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I'm pretty sure in the past, the author has said that the game is estimated to come out sometime in 2025 - 2026.

I could be remembering incorrectly though, so if you want you can check the development log. 

I've been so ill, so im late to this, but im so excited to play it. This has already taken the spot as my favourite game (which is crazy because it's still only the demo). I just know, based on what we've seen so far, that the full game is gonna be worth the wait. 

holy fucking hell :o  



also i just wanna add on that im in LOVE with the titles 'star of the halls' and 'lady of the strings' they sound like tarot cards.

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i was not expecting to be attached to these characters as i have been - im so fucking excited for this. Also step 2 Qiu Lin is so pretty holy hell- the character designs are amazing.

i love the rooftop dude, oml but Gideon is also adorable imo


im excited

I got into this game years ago now and it was just such a big comfort to me. LGBTQ weren't easy to find then (at least for me), so every couple months i check back on this page just for the nostalgia and i realized i NEVER commented. 

So here i am talking about how fucking obsessed i still am with this game. Heck - i haven't played it in years and yet i can still remember way too many lines i was THAT obsessed.

I also like to think this game helped me be more comfortable with my sexuality.  Even now, after ive finished school, simply thinking of this game comforts me.

I found this game quite a while ago now, i remember playing Kenji's route and then just never picking it up again because i was so busy.

A couple months ago i remembered i hadn't finished all the routes, so i re-downloaded the game and played it all over again - including playing Kenji's route again. 

I definitely have been obsessed with this game for a while now, i just somehow never got across to commenting?

[I was a tad sad that we didn't actually get a female love interest, however it didn't bother me or affect playing the game because i still love Haru to death.]

No joke, i check this page way too often. For updates but also to admire the art.  Sadly i lost the login to my account so i couldn't comment until now but im just so obsessed with the games this creator puts out.

I would be lying if i said i just found this game.

i fount it a while back now and it was instantly a favorite, no joke, i check regularity for updates and just to see the characters faces again. (specifically Kalei - hes pretty, but tbf they all are)