I love it. Very cool pikmin like.
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Hmm. Definitely more content: New weapons, ranged attacks, enemies that can target the player. Bosses. Obamium that gives one positive skill and one bad one. More levels. Maybe randomly put together rooms, but i like hand crafted levels. More themes? But aside from the content im unsure. If i where to turn it into a proper game, i might want to change the art assets, but the default unity cubes are silly in a good way.
Thank you so much for playing my game! Loving (the idea of) my game! And most of all, thank you for reaching out about my game! That is awesome.
So, the reason why the game is really whack is because i ran out of time i had to work on it, and decided to just post it and get done with it. It was a small gamejam prototype. So sorry about the game being to broken to be finished
And about working on it further, i'd love to! But right now, i don't have time because of school and my not school project Up To No Goob (wishlistable on steam btw :D!!!)
I'd love to have a chat though
This was nice and fun. Nice twist. Not too creative, but i liked that you use the arrow keys instead of the mouse pointer. I do wish that the different kinds of platforms had different colors, in addition to different arrows, and maybe making the arrows easily visible or more distinguishable from distances? I found myself wanting to look at the guy running, but then I couldn't see what kind of platform it was he was moving toward, so a way to make it easier to see that while looking at the guy would be nice. Other than, that Good job ;). I like