Just curious, but I noticed that the game is gonna be launched on steam in a few months. Did anything come out of your consideration of that idea? Meaning, is there going to be any additional transformation related content (for the player character) in the finished game? Things like losing to a certain lycan during the story gameplay resulting in a bad end in which the player character turns or anything else like that?
I'm quite interested in seeing a trope like that come up as a threat of some sort when I'm going up against creatures like lycans or werewolves in a game like this, more so than just the hub hanging around and whatnot. The survival gameplay with an enemy like that seems cool, with the hentai-esque nature of the game obviously being a bonus.
But yes, is there any hope of seeing any more (or any at all) content like that in the game by the time it launches, or even post launch? It does have quite an impact on my interest in the game, as it is sorta what I was hoping for from a game with a setup like this.