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A member registered May 04, 2020

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On story mode in May I click on click here to continue the story and nothing happens even tho it's a green button. No story further. I went to load so I could go to the story again and click on that button (because after I loaded button was there again) and the same thing happened. No story at all. I had to make a new group after that I started a new story and this didn't happen again. Just with one of my saved files this happened, which is sad because I liked that group better I had better members in thag group.

It's just a bit frustrating because we never really get a clear answer. If they need more time it's fine just I wish they'd tell if release is not going to happen this year or just tell us if it's coming before 2020 ends.

Because for now if I go back to the game I play it like 5 min and get tired of it because it's always the same scenarios and so on. I just wish I knew when I could expect it.

I also suggest what we should get gold idols when we do local auditions because let's be real after talented trainees leave from very good companies they also end up in small shitty companies or talented idols were rejected from big companies for whatever reason for example we could get gold idol with great vocals and dancing skills but they would not be cool or pretty because for example this is why they ended up here, others didn't want them because they were ugly by idol standards. It can be very small % to get them like maybe 0.2% but it would be nice if we could get some talented gold idols in local auditions.

No male idols it's girl groups only.

No answer yet? Online it says it will be released in 2020 but it's almost October now and no news yet as far as I know.

Wouldn't be great if we had random questions like moral dilemma like: "if you use sexy concept there is 20% of chance for your song to become viral (and sell 1M copies even if you're a nugu) but there is 80% of chance to lose 50% of your fanbase if the song doesn't go viral, what would you like to do?"

Ofc after the song goes viral or if it goes viral, our next single can still have nugu sales because people were only interested in a viral hit and not our other song.

That would be pretty cool. It would be more risk and more consequence. There should be a lot of such questions during the game so we wouldn't get the same scenarios like now over and over again.

MY SHOWS ARE ONLY IN PRODUCTION, they not launched yet but my idols are losing stamina like shows (radio, tv, internet show) already launched.

It's on their job list showing how much stamina they use from shows that are not even launched.

I started playing a bit today again and I thought we could also get money by posting videos like yt. It can be named differently like idoltube or whatever the point is to be like yt where you get likes, dislikes and you have to get the amount of subscribers (idk like 20k) to start earning money from videos.

You could post MV's, or just videos like dance covers of other famous groups or singing covers. Or you could just post vlogs. It would nice to see dislikes for example if people dislike some girl. Or even hate comments for the company if you haven't released any new music for a while.

For MV you could post a professional MV that costs a lot but also very low budget and then people could complain and dislike it. Also if they do a sexy cover/concept people can hate and complain. Or they can actually like it and it goes viral.

Maybe if you could post a statement on social media like "if we don't do well next comeback we have to disband or let go some members" just to make people pity buy the single/album or if people would pity stream our videos (and we could earn more from MV views) also we should get money from MV's weekly not just once. Once you get more views you still get money. So it's not a one time payment like singles where you only get the amount on release day.

And singles should probably be bought later like when group gets more fans new fans could buy older singles.

Just a thought. That would be more interesting than just clicking on "promotion" because we'd actually see feedback (views, likes, dislikes, comments)

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I wonder that too especially when new trailer on yt came out. It looked interesting and I can't wait. Now I kinda stopped playing because I want to start playing when it's some kind of update with the story or when it's released.

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Ok so I just wanted to say a few more things:


I think it would be cool of we could pick what age can audition. Foe example you want age range from 14-18. Idols who are over 18 can't audition. Sometimes I feel like age gap is too big with my idols I pick. Like I pick talented 14 year old. All others on audition suck and then it's talented 22 year old.

I also wish we could ask them things like a few questions when they audition. 


I think that once staff has more stars they can get paid more but the payment should be raised two or three  times max - when we are just starting with our company. Because when I started accepting idols that sucked at everything  (they can sing only 2 out of 60 for example) and I train them to 60. The more I train the more stars my staff gets, the more I pay them, I almost go bankrupt for that or go bankrupt.  So sometimes I have no choice but to cheat and press y to get money.

Usually I don't pick idols that can sing just to 10 or 15 because that's horrible. So I pick the ones that are more talented and I can train them the most.


I feel like people should also attack us online of idols don't approve. Or random people on Internet be mean and say we should disband.

I always want to train my idols because that's more realistic than not training idols and picking untalented ones.


For example girls can be pretty but they would get bashed online like in real life. Maybe the company could get them a plastic surgery. And there could actually be a possibility to ruin their looks if you get plastic surgery too often on the same girl. Maybe the girl could get addicted to plastic surgery if she goes under plastic surgery more than twice.

If people complained, not just fans game would be more interesting because sometimes I stop playing for a long time because everytime it feel like it's the some thing and same situations happen with the girls. I wish there was more in the finished game later on. More scenarios and not just repeated scenarios over and over. For a beta the game is pretty cool, just for the finished version I really wish for more scenarios.


I wish we could name our company. There could also be scenarios where we have to fire someone because for example manager scammed the idol or something like that.

my 24 year old member was dating a 13 year old... I kinda wish such old members weren't dating kids or I wish instead of "break up" we could tell them  to stop dating kids or something. Or maybe we could get both of them in the office somehow and make the older girl apologize so we'd tell the young girl to be more careful next time. Sorry if I'm thinking into this too much but yeah. 

When I release just a single (I don't choose anything else that needs stamina like 2 shot event, handshake and so on) all my idols lose like +22 stamina.

I'm sorry if anyone asked this before but when the game will be finished will we see other players on music chart?

Like will other people who play Idol Manager see my group on the charts? And I will see theirs? I think that would be very interesting if that happens but then cheats (for getting  money, fans and so on) must get disabled because some would probably cheat.

Or there will be just (made up) groups that are in the story?

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After playing for a while I also thought it would be cool if once game is finished we could see updated sales, for example fans can also buy album later, not just on the month when it's released. Like we can see popular groups can still sell their debut albums years after the debut.

And this makes me think if we for example don't release just a digital single but an album and we print like 40k albums, after a while fans could demand us to print more albums because albums are out of stock. I think it would make the game interesting, we could also lose fans if we decide that we won't print the album again because maybe we are broke.

Also it would be cool if we didn't get accused about singing about political songs when we actually didn't even release such song. For example it happened to me - I only did photoshoots, I didn't even release any singles yet and I got accused that my group was singing political lyrics, it would make sense that this only happens when we actually release such song.

And for example when we release a physical single we could create album cover or pick an album cover. Maybe if album was cheaply made fans could be mad at us.

And maybe it would be cool idea if we could somehow give news to the fans that we need help (like makestar project where fans donate money for a comeback) otherwise the group will disband because we are broke.

Maybe we could even decide how many seconds of lines some girl gets and fans could praise us when the most popular girl gets the most lines but others could be mad because we treat some unfairly. And because of that I also got another idea, we could also just have the rapper of the group, a vocalist a sub vocalist (so we'd give girls positions) and if fans complained we could tell them "this member got less lines because they are the visual/rapper." 

I'd also like if we wouldn't have to bring the girls to our office every time when we want to interact but sometimes they could also visit us by themselves when they are bullied for example or when a snitch wants to tell us something. 

Also maybe we could have fan meetings and girls mess up and they tell something they shouldn't and we must make situation better with our reply to the public. And for paying the girls idk about Japanese idols much but some Korean ones for example don't get paid from the start because they must pay off the debt, this would be really helpful at the start for us as a ceo.

And also 5 to 7 year old contract and idol can not leave, if they do we can sue them (I sound like an evil ceo) but I really hate it when someone says I will graduate before I turn 23 because that doesn't tell me much, they can graduate when they turn 20 because that's before 23rd I'd really like to control how many time the girls will stay in the group so I can prepare new idols to join. That's why I think it would be cool if we had a "rookie" category and for example they can be rookies for 2 years before they join a group so we can train them well... because some idols that want to join are so untalented lol)

Anyway I hope that some ideas are good enough to end up in the finished game. 

Ah I see I misunderstood it then. Good luck with training idols ^-^

Hey this is what I did I bought just my office, and office for bussiness. Don't buy dance or music studio. Also buy the doctor's office. Do modeling jobs, then when you have like 300 fans make a radio show. Maybe 1st episode you won't have any profit. But the next episode you will have the profit. That's what I did, and I had 3 radio shows + modeling jobs. Then the idol with less stamina was in the doctor's office.

Buy music and dance studio after you save enough money and not before because you can't make a single right away 1st girls have to model ot get more money, and like I said a radio show and if you buy the dance room and the studio even if you have no workers you have to pay rent which is bad at the start for you. I hope some of this maybe helped. I'm a new player as well.

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For Idol Manager I think it would be cool if we could have a survival show for rookies (and also for the ones that are not rookies). So it would boost their popularity and they would get some new skills.

Maybe if they are good enough they could also be promoting in a temporary group and with their own group (temporary groups like I.O.I and IZ*ONE)

For every episode they last we could also get a little bit of money? For example when your idol is against some other idol and you win you move to the next round, get new fans, gain a little bit of skill and you get paid some money.

Edit: also it would be cool if we could have contracts with idols like 7 years or something I don't like that idols are telling me when they want to graduate. Because then I can be prepared to train new idols better. When they say they're leaving in like idk 3 months I feel like I don't have enough time to train idols who are below average.

That's why it would also be cool if we had a category "rookies" who only train and wait for the debut.

Well these are just my ideas. I hope some of them are good enough to be added in the game one day.