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A member registered Apr 14, 2021 · View creator page →

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late response but thank you!:)

theres a hidden trash can?!

lmao I just checked and it is there. Sorry for taking up time of your day. Can't wait to play it

have u already chosen ur beta testers for the new levels? I filled in the google doc a couple of weeks ago.

um, am I the only one who lost their saves? I checked like 2 weeks ago if there was a new chapter and it had my saved load and I came back to check now and it's gone? is this a new bug?

i cant stop playing plz someone help me 

plz someone help i cant stop ive been playing this game for a week straight

Just filled it out love the game:)

the demo is so fun death and the werewolf siblings are the coolest so far and peanut is a cutie pie cant wait for the full version:)

so freaking cute wondering:)

wtf weirdo the summary clearly says gay girls playing basketball what did u expect to find maybe keep this shit to urself and not say it to the wrong person before ur homophobic ass gets jumped

what are the 3 personality types? i usually go for the immature playful flirty type but I wanna know the others if I wanna try another route

kinda wanted more detail for THAT scene but its fineee

the music is really the cherry on top it's so cute and easy to play loved it:)

been eyeing this game for  2 days but I couldn't find out how to start the game and that all I needed to do was press z I'm stupid but this game was so cute and heartwarming makes me sad to think my dogs gonna die someday

just finished it, it so cute had to search up what to do at the end tho but very nice game:)

poor fish but very cute and simple game I loved it

just finished cant wait for the new chapter bestie:)

pfttt I love us were too funny

god oliver is too hot im gonna to oliver first then ezra cause he's adorable

oh my god how adorable the secret lesbian ending love that

plz this is too fun i do keep on playing the same levels fun its too good