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A member registered Jan 26, 2021

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No worries! It definitely helps a lot, specially since this is really just a fun little game for me and my friends and I don't want to stress over it, haha.

Really, thank you so much! I read the post and it was so informative, you answered a question before I even had it, haha. (I'm sure I would have been confused eventually about how to set a max and min value for a stat)

Aaah, thank you so much! That helps out a lot!!! And being able to put diffent variables is so cool, too! I wouldn't have thought of that, or at least, would have done it wrong. :P

(also, I had accidentally clicked report instead of reply and got so worried for a second, haha)

Hey! I'm feeling a bit dumb for getting troubles and not finding the answer out there, but this is just for a silly dating sim for a few characters in a d&d game I'm on, so who cares if I look silly asking this, hahah.

Anyhow, could you tell me how I make a choice change a variable? I was trying to add a few choices that change the mc's personality at the start of the game. One of the choices is
*[["I am not crying." You say, even tempered. You want to, though!|2]], which I would want to make the variable $stoic true.
I tried writing <<set $stoic to true>> before the brackets, but then once I added choices that set other personalities to true in the same way, they all ended up true at the same time.

I tried writing
*[[<<set $stoic to true>>"I am not crying." You say, even tempered. You want to, though!|2]]
but that makes the code show up in the choice.

Could you help me on how to make choices change variables? Thank you!
(I don't know if it matters, but in the story int, I put all personality variables as <<set $stoic to false>>, <<set $polite to false>> and so on)

Oh, that's interesting! :o I'll keep it in mind for the future, since I also use firefox.

Oh, that seems to happen with some apks for some reason, I was also really confused at first. :P

You have  to use an apk installer, the one I use is SAI, which you can find on the Google store.

(1 edit)

I see people talking about the voiced names not working, and I'm wondering if maybe you guys didn't accidentally upload the non voiced version two times? I remember the voiced version being a bit bigger than the not voiced one, so I think that would maybe be the reason why people aren't getting the names? Or maybe you forgot to add the voice files? That feels like something I would do if I knew how to make games. :P