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A member registered 83 days ago

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beat 2 is the red spikey guy and voice 2 is the pink rabbit, ect

melody 3, effect 2, beat 2, beat 1, beat 5, melody 1, voice 2.

these guys all together sound great! even in the gore mode, i recommend you give them a try!

had to repost cuz it was in the wrong order but true siren form is at the bottom and fake form at the top

made a casual,school,and magical girl outfit

made two outfits,one is fully white baby orangeish?? and the other fully black and white

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shes called "the mouring girl" (her real name was laura,before her death) left is laura,right is mouring girl

angry nerd 

imagen being THIS fella right here

i think i did pretty good!

oh sorry thats just me pookie :3 didnt mean to scare you LOLZ XD

redoing my last post bc i falsely deleted it

i think my game has a glitch in it, when i play the game normally, and i get to the red place/ daddys door place and then i use my aura it dosent do anything,it dosent show the password thing.

is there anything i can do to fix this on browser verison????

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johnny , i have a question , does the "Lets Go! Baby! Friends" friends worlds still work? 

edit: nvm i tested it, it works

nvm abt last post

nu uh

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i may have gone overboard...

i did it :)

too hard

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zwag what