Broooooo the fuckin cliffhangars are gettin diabolical, you bastard. I love you, im too invested in the world bro weird as it sounds it feels like i need to binge this game wait until a few update before i play again like its netflix Lol. Keep up the good work tho!
Recent community posts
Its good to get those creative juices flowin and thats a good deduction to have whether the person falls on different sides of the spectrum there's something for everybody i think thats why Twisted World is so popular.
I don't get it either brother Traps and Muscular are so goddamn different but like they fit together weirdly, imo at least. But Honestly im probably just weird lol
Bro.... come on man making me cry a lil bit damn. don't say that man your games are Quality, From the worlds you created to the characters that live in them i can say for certain that all of it is Fuckin Fantastic and you deserve all of the praise, your VNs are unique no one in this community will think otherwise.
Ps... not joking btw bro fr shed a single tears lol and its weird being mentioned in a post made me genuinely happy thank you
bro just finished the updated and i gotta say you doing a good job in fleshing out the characters, mad props, Klytea multiple personalities (Wrath and Vanity is what i call them) and ludis's submissive attitude towards the MC where explain perfectly.
Ps. Brother don't worry about late updates just take your time and get yourself settled just stay safe friend
Yooooo Congratz on the 0.1 update my friend, Short but sweet update to say the very least. I gotta be honest I already love Gladix and can't wait to see more and im mad curious to see the face of our new big tentacle'd friend. as always im here to see this story through and hope to see more in the future.
PS.. Sound lvl are pretty high again not sure about song name but its the scene where everyone is groggy from sleep and Gladix's punches peak alittle too. hope this helps, wish you all the best my friend
Take as much time as you need brother i aint going nowhere, story and world that you have crafted is too fuckin good and you left it on a cliffhanger so ya boi need to know was going down. Quality over quantity and you my friend know quality. thanks for keeping us posted and all the best playtesting everythin.
Bro i fuckin love this shit from the soundtrack choices to the characters, love the setting and the concept of an interdimensional shopkeeper. Ive played allot of VNs but this one sticks out alot. MC character model was a good choice, he's far from your basic cookie cutter MC and i like his demeanor.
Im a fan of all of it hope to see more in the future dude keep it up!!
Ps... One of the songs volume lvls are too high nearly blow out my ear drums Lmao. Dont know the name of it but its the one that start with beatboxing.
PPs... Not alot of VNs have Thick femboys in them and you my friend -Chefs Kiss- bootiful lol
Yoooo bro new update, good shit, loved everything. Mila and Jade I love their characters already bro and their char model are lookin fuck nice, good job my dude and dont get me started on fucking La' Quayaha dude I started to fuckin dying as soon she opened her mouth, my god. I felt the karen energy seeping through my screen damn. only problem I have with this update is.......... that there isnt anymore of it man, I love this shit but you already know the code: quality over quantity so I shall be patiently waiting for the next update bro