Ah got it, makes sense for the jam
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Good idea! I'm happy to jump on this train and play and rate all your games. Mine is about a little cartoony witch. Give it a shot: https://macksimus.itch.io/wicked
Good job on the game! The cut scene is a great mini tutorial. One thought I had was that it would be cool to have more obstacles and have it so the monster moves the obstacles. It adds more feedback for the position of the monster and can add to the suspense. If you add more feedback like that, you can make the levels longer and have more back and forth travel. There is definitely a lot more you can do with this game to make it even better, and I hope you do!
I loved the idea of using your daughters art for the graphics! For the gameplay, "luck" really just feels like "jump height" to me. Since there was no element of chance involved, it just felt more like a platformer where you needed "x" amount of collectibles to progress to the next level. Perhaps, instead of the collectibles improving your jump/speed, the amount of luck you gain could translate to getting a more favorable setup on the next level (e.g. Exit door is in a closer spot to the starting player location, or luck collectibles have a chance of spawning in better locations). Anyway, well done completing your first game jam!