I loved this game.
100% steam achievements.
And still want more. Thank you.
I watched CJU Games play this and -- my word. so amazing. If the game works out well for you, I can only hope that you continue to make games because this game is an entire mood. And no just the visual aspects: the audio is exceptional. You can feel the impending doom and confusion.
10/10 -- This is like a suburb remodeled by Vlad the Impaler for a David Lynch Film about Cthulhu babies.
This is not a negative comment but I have only one specific example of a control that is NOT intuitive .. er.. to me anyway: the left click to place, then hold-left-mouse-click to rotate? sometimes things get stuck diagonally after this or revert to aligned-to-vert/horiz position and i have no clue why this occurs.
Love the game, so cool. I mention only in hopes that it might help make a great game even better.