Very sporadically, I wish I could but I’m not having enough time lately.
Mad Wizard
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Sorry for all the delays… version v1.25.1 should be working on DnD v4. Please let me know if you guys have any issue updating.
I’m not having that much time available lately and it took a LOT of work to make it work with v4, there are thousands of lines of code and the new DnD version broke lots of things, this is why the module will no longer be supported by 2025.
This is actually something wich I thought about doing initially!
But because it’s CR based, the issue is even if I title some job as a “commoner”, commoners stop being commoner’s as soon as their CR gets a little high. They can’t effectively be used as a full-pledged job. If you encounter a commoner with some high CR, its probably a retired adventurer with some job on their background.
Usually people portray commoners as any job with a CR 1/8, you can filter by their role: Martial, Specialist, Spellcaster, depending on their background, CR 1/8 (maybe 1/4 or 1/2 depending on whom?), and let the randomizer do the job. This way you have a very wide range of characters available.
Also, keep in mind a commoner created with CR 1/8, but wich you take out their weapon or armor, should probably be worth CR 0.
What job, race and CR were you trying to build? It failed only this once, or everytime you try to build a similar NPC? Creating spellcasters seems ok in general?
Im having really trouble reproducing this error, could it be your compendiums are somehow alterated? This bug could be caused in case its failing to get the spells from your compendiums.
Did you configure the correct folder in the configuration? The ‘Folder’ to be selected should have ‘portraits’ and ‘tokens’ subfolders, the images inside those (the tokens folder is actually optional).
Example of correct structure:
- /imgs/ <- folder selected
- /imgs/portraits/warrior_human.jpg
- /imgs/portraits/warrior.png
- /imgs/tokens/warrior.png <- will get the token IF found one, optional, if NOT will use portrait as the token (and tokenize if you use tokenizer)
I just launched a new module for Foundry Virtual Tabletop (Foundry VTT) for D&D 5e, aimed at making the life of a DM much easier: the NPC Generator for D&D 5e.
The goal was to make it as smart as possible so the DM can really focus on bigger things.
It uses a heavy algorithm to stochastically create NPCs on demand with just a few clicks, it has dozens of name generators embbeded with a very smart system for both name selection and character building.
You choose the CR you want, job (an alias for a npc class) and race (or randomize everything! try your luck!) and it stochastically creates an appropriate NPC. There are trillions of possible combinations.
You can even upgrade NPCs if you want or create NPCs based on already built characters. If you own any supplement the module already identifies the compendiums and adds more content appropriately.
I hope you enjoy using it!