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A member registered Aug 16, 2018

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Any chance for a Mac version?

Took me a few more minutes than I'd like to admit to understand the game mechanics, but I had a lot of fun with this. Everything- but especially the music- immediately calls The Twilight Zone to mind, and that made the game so much more enjoyable for me. Thanks for making this available on Mac, and I hope to see more!

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Loved it! I saw Markiplier play it and knew I had to give it a try. Thanks for putting it out on Mac!

The looping feels a lot like PT, but it's not just a looping hallway simulator like every game that's a clone of it. Not being forced to go through the same environment again and again just to see what's changed is a nice deviation from the norm. 

The horror element is definitely there, but it's not a jump scare simulator, either. Rather than being scared- particularly with the spider area- I felt more dread than terror, and that's what most PT inspired games are lacking. Horror can't be whittled down to just scares; there's a spectrum, and too many games out there look for something that can only startle. Penumbra is a good example of the other end, where dread dominates.

As for the environment, I have to admit that I'm a fan. The snow area is a bit dull for my tastes, but it was palatable. What really excited me was seeing the cave open up to the jungle open up to the asian landscape. The transition was very smooth, and the fact that it felt believable helped to offset the "shock" of how it is you leave the environments to go onto the next.

I was disappointed to have the game end so early. I would've loved to have explored the areas more than I got a chance to, and that's another good sign. Leave your audience wanting more, not gasping in relief that the experience is over. 

That's a solid 10 from me. 

That doesn't work, either.

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The Mac rar isn't working. Any fixes?

Any chance for a Mac release? Or will it go up on PS4?

I've seen several youtubers play this and just love the environment. I'd love to see this get released on Mac so I can play it for myself.

I saw John Wolfe play this. I really love the graphics and environments, though the monsters don't seem to pose any real threat as of yet.

I'd love to see this get released on Mac (my OS).