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A member registered Jul 07, 2019 · View creator page →

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Yeah, sorry, nothing I can do about it. The official places to get the games are this one, Patreon and F95zone 


Most probably :)

Yep, all the dates are now part of the storyline, but is not required to do the naughty things with them if they are not your cup of tea. It's just easy for me to remember paths and dialogues that way.

I'm always happy when people love Gabriel, he needs some love too!

Thank you for playing the game! X

all the dates are include in the storyline, except Gabriel's date because it's still out of continuity.

those are the small images next to te textbox for the characters that dont have sprite (mostly). Maisie (the other recepcionist girl) and the guy at the airport hangar (Frog-like-man)

Sorry if it created some misunderstanding 😅

star with the less intrusive parts like feet… and get going until Mc says he’s done with that part and needs to move one. Leave the inner thighs for the last one. Good ending is Mc fainting

not yet :)

v0.28 is the rework of Dante date, you know, poker night, theme park... after that, in case you want to play the missing date it offers to play Gabriel date.

Not sure if that answer your question... :)

I've just posted a walkthrough on the discord server. I'll try to update it with every new update

What kind of bugs? I thought they were already fixed 😔

i call that “oiling minigame”. The underwear is just and easy “try them all” one. Nothing really complicate :)

Sorry for the veer late reply, you might have found it already, but just in case someone else is wondering...

Your Ren'py save files on Mac can be found at this path: ~/Library/RenPy/

To access the above path:

  1. Open up a Finder window
  2. Press COMMAND + SHIFT + G
  3. Paste/enter the path (~/Library/RenPy) into the text field and hit Go

Oliver will take a little bit longer, sorry. Trust me, I want to see those scenes too!

I’ll look into it. Sorry!

Lots of Oliver scenes! A few  Dante, Gabriel and Blake scenes too!


I dont know. I always try not to make people to replay from the beginning, but sometimes renpy works in mysterious ways and is beyond my control.

oh! That… yeah, i made a mistake and i forgot to include the loop to access the resto of the dates. Sorry!


Don't know exactly what you mean. At this point, the dates are being reorganised, the order will be Oliver-Adam-Day off-Blake-Dante-Day off-Gabriel.

v.028 Will be end of the first Day off. I believe there's a loop at the end of the update giving access to the dates that haven been reached yet

have you done the mini games properly? 

in v0.28 the textbook is fixed. in v0.30 choices textbook and saves lots thumbnails will be fixed. 

My pleasure!

not this time 😅😅

oh! That must be when the background is black. Never thought of that… android gives sooo much trouble 😅😅

oh i believe i messed it up in that update and you can access them anymore, until next update, sorry.  

its weird cos I changed the textbox for Android. Until very recently I didnt know Android needed a diferent textbox, hence all the trouble until now. I’ll try to fix it again just hang on for a little bit :)

isnt the new version a new day after Adam’s date? Maybe there is something wrong with the android version in this update 🤔🤔

is still happening in v27?  🥲🥲

I don’t post links in that website, if there’s/will be any problem with that version I’m not responsible 😅😅

same as I reply before:

“Android version always giving trouble 😅😅

I’ll see if I can do a port of the game for android, though I’m not good at that”


android version always giving trouble 😅😅

I’ll see if I can do a port of the game for android, though I’m not good at that

If I’m not mistaken that’s the end for this update. Next one will be once it’s ready 😅

The walkthrough is up to the date part. 

I have to say I don't know how Android works. If you care to explain what is the problem I could try to help/fix it

Thank you!

Yeah, there is no sound in the game. It's something I want to do but... I'm very bad at choosing music and sound and the few times I've tried, I couldn't figure out how it works. 


Yeah,  as I said before, I wasn't aware that android version needed a different textbook, hence that problem. It should been fixed in this new update. If it still happens, please let me know. I can't test Android version, so it's a bit of trial and error to fix things.

Sorry guys, for the late reply! Had some issues with the email I use for getting notify and I wasn't getting your messages! Sorry!

Hope you enjoyed! xD

You might want to replay again doing all Blake's mini games properly (measurement, oiling and underwear) to get a bit more of gameplay you might enjoy :)

I'm glad you are liking it so far! 😀

Oh thank you! I'm very happy you are enjoying so far! We are going back to some investigation after it got a bit delayed because the dates, but of course there will be some s3xy scenes and romance!