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A member registered Jul 25, 2021 · View creator page →

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At the moment there are no plans for an android project

Don't worry, game's not abandoned yet - I'm just taking a little break and working on other projects

Boss spawn commands only work on the Bus Stop map, will be fixed next update

Ohhhh, yeah I didn't even think of deleting the whole thing haha

Oh damm, which entry did you change? I couldn't get it to work lol

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It's in the Registy Editor (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\MadLad224) but changing the resolution there won't apply in game

For now there is no way to fix that, but issues with the resolution will be patched next update

For now the hunter uses the same model as smoker enemy, it will be changed next update though

There is no way to switch between the two

Probably a bug with custom resolutions, I'll try to fix it in the next patch

I've been busy with stuff but there should be an update before end of december

There is an update I'm currently working on

Probably not any time soon

Sorry, I'm not planning on doing a mobile version

Yes that is correct

probably yes

Feedback is always appreciated!

I don't really have time to manage a discord server so for now the best place to share levels is here in the comments and via twitter


There isn't currently

Make sure to read the "IMPORTANT READ ME.txt" in game files for instructions. If issue persist redownload the game and/or the level

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Damm, I actually really like the setting, I'd love to put it into base game, just let me know if you want to be credited with your itch name or maybe twitter or whatever else

Actually it seems to be a formatting problem. If you're having problems with custom levels not loading go to the Level.txt file for that map and change all ',' -> '.' or '.' -> ','

If you're having problems with custom levels not loading go to the Level.txt file for that map and change all ',' -> '.' or '.' -> ','

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Can you contact me on twitter?

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That's a good idea, but the faster the dart the worse hit detection is. And yeah, as you said fully upgraded AR is basically a minigun lol

Yeah, sometimes you can clip through the floor at the start, should be fine after resetting or bringing the player spawn higher in the editor

Yes, there will be updates in the future

That bug was just recently patched, download the game again

I'm aware that the hard mode is nearly impossible to beat, but since it isn't really necessary for any achievements I thought I'd just leave it like that - give people a real hard challange.

Yes, the way a round ends is with the final carbon-pop which is suppoused to pop the player to finish a run and count as a victory. Unless you're saying that every carbon-pop eliminates you then yeah - gonna have to fix that somehow

You can get a victory by surviving all the infected waves depending on the difficulty

I will include it in the next update!

Sorry but for the moment I don't plan on updating this project

I do have an update planned but haven't started working on it yet

Customization more than likely will be in the next update, and for now I don't plan on doing different types of inflation

Happy you liked the game! And unfortunately I do not plan on starting a patreon. But hey, rating the game is also a good way to support creators!

Yep, actually player created levels are something I'm already trying to implement into the next update!

At first I actually tried doing it in first person, but the perspective just didn't look right and you couldn't really see the cards. In later updates I will add more camera angles though. 

Great video man, I'm very happy you're making these