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A member registered Jun 18, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hey dude! Thanks for pointing these out! When developign 1.7.0 I went back and changed a few lines in the first event whilst pretty sleep-deprived, and didn't proof-read ._,

I've already caught these typos and have fixed them for the next version of the game that will be coming out sometime soon - thanks again for letting me know, though! :))

oh I see - I'm guessing it's probably sanction-based. Don't worry about a subscription though dude, your comments and support are already more than I could ask for :))

Hey dude! Thanks for the kind words! Comments like thse always help me keep going and developing what I love <3

I didn't know Russia didn't have access to Patreon! I also post the exact same things over on Subscribestar - which is pretty much the same sort of thing :))

Oh nice! I haven't done many official self-releases in a while, but I'd probably say it's my favourite one I've made too :)

I'm hoping to add more characters later down the line - but my number one priority is fleshing out the characters already included as much as I can. Don't want to spread the content I produce too thin across too many characters.

As for the music - thanks! Funnily enough the main concepts for the game first came around through creating some of the tracks within the soundtrack. (The title theme, for example, was an old piano recording from 2019 - I believe). Glad to be putting my music into something I'm proud of! :))

Yeahhh... the nickname thing will be important later down the line. I'll probably edit the content warnings at the start of the game to really clarify that there's mild psychological elements just in case, too - it wouldn't hurt.

For Iris's event, make sure Saori Event 5 and Ami Event 5 are completed (They should be completed by the point you get to viewing Iris's event anyway) - then, go nowhere (evening),

Hope this helps :)

For the second Sports Club event, you need to have completed Natsuki E2 - 'Man Ass', and Sakura E3 'Horny' beforehand. Then, visit the Sports Club. There's a bug where it doesn't show the correct hint - I'm assuming that's what you've got - but doing these should fix it for you :)

To trigger Kirei E3, you also need Sakura E5. It was accidently missed in the hint that's given, and it's been fixed for the next version :)

I'm glad it's had that effect >:)

It's been re-added in the upcoming 1.8.0! I'd unintentionally broke it at the start of development and just forgot to fix it and re-add it. Expect it with the next update! :)

Hmm... that seems quite strange.

If you could let me know each event that doesn't seem to trigger (eg sports club event 2, kirei event 6, etc...) it'd make it a bit easier to tell exactly what's going wrong. Feel free to message me VIA Discord (maelstrom507) and I'll try get this sorted for you :))

Here's a link to a fan-translated version that others have used before. It's a couple of updates behind but should get you a big chunk of the content developed so far. There won't be an official translation though, as I'm not fluent in Spanish unfortunately :(

¡Me alegro que lo hayas disfrutado! Gracias por hacérmelo saber :)

Glad you're enjoying! Out of Touch is a great game so I'm very honoured by the comparison :)

Hell yeah! The main menu music is one of the many tracks within the game composed entirely myself. Check through the music player and I'm sure you'll find some other stuff you'll be a fan of :)

Interesting spot... ;)

The idea for them to be quick flashes is a deliberate choice - but I may add the option for them to be paused when re-playing an event through the menu :)

Oh nooo :((

I'll try to get a full save of 1.7.0 uploaded somewhere for those who want it :)

There is the option to invite another character over - if you look through your events and see any crossed out and in red, that's a missed event. A choice you made earlier will have changed the outcome.

If you have completed all events, there will be more events added in the future. I'm constantly updating so keep your eyes peeled! :)

Was it a certain renaming incident? 😉

The blank side character space was a placeholder - the side character is introduced in 1.7.0 - out soon to the public btw :))

Noted, fixed for future releases - there's always the odd mistake I never spot, thanks for letting me know :))

Heya dude! I don't support Russian translations myself, but I know there's an unofficial translation into Russian. Maybe this translation here could help you out?

The final version will probably be quite a while away - as of now, I'm roughly 10% of the way through creating the planned content for the full version of the game.
Thanks again dude, and I appreciate the support! :))

Ah, I see - I did once have the option to import translated language files in-game when I was working with someone for an official Spanish translation - but that fell through. The process of translating it shouldn't be too difficult, but it's not something that I can currently dedicate time to supporting myself - sorry about that :(
I have considered Steam, but I think it'd be an option when he game is in a much more complete state. Maybe once the game is fully finished, I could try and upload it there? Otherwise, I have my Patreon and Subscibestar which are currently helping fund continual development, so I'm pretty happy :))

Heya dude! Thanks for reaching out and showing your support! I always love hearing from people who have enjoyed the game.

I unfortunately can't have an official Russian translation as I'm not familiar with the language - however, I do keep my eye out on several fan-made machine translations - hopefully this one here helps? 

And as far as compatibility between Android and PC goes, it's a bit difficult to say. If you have a Phone with an SD card, you can access the save data from the game, and copy it onto a PC - but I wouldn't recommend doing this as it can be quite complex. It'd probably be faster to replay the game, making use of the 'Skip to Choices' setting.

Thanks again for your kind words! It really means a lot :))

We'll see how we get on - Sel's update schedule is hard to compete with 😳

Thanks for the kind words though, appreciate it! :))

teehee ;)

Taken inspiration form LiL - strangely enough never heard of Sensei Overnight until I released the game.. o_o

I like the phrase there! More is on the way, will keep updated when I can on future stuff :))

Ah - I'm assuming the hover system won't work for mobile - don't test it myself so wasn't aware of the issue.

Here's a list of all the events you have to complete:

  • Saori - Tether
  • Ami - Buckle
  • Nia - Into Motion
  • Rin - Metamorphosis
  • Natsuki - Good Boy
  • Sakura - So, This is Me
  • Kirei - Nothing to Feel
  • Yuna - Sisterly Duties
  • Kasu - Two of You
  • Takane - Life-Support

Hope this helps, and will think of a way to show this info in mobile :))

La pista para el evento de Iris está en código hexadecimal, pero te lo haré saber aquí: se decodifica como "No ir a ninguna parte".

¡Espero que ayude! :))

Huh? The game is free to download - I think it comes up with an option to donate when you try - just press 'Take me to the downloads' if you don't fancy it :))

Thanks dude! :))

Heya dude! Sorry for the late reply, and thanks for the kind words!

The hint system is designed to be a little out of the way - the intention isn't for the player to be 'spoon-fed' information - but the option to view it is there if one desires. But I do understand the pain of being on mobile, and the mobile version is something I'm hoping to revamp - I'll have a look into some optimisations for lower-end devices when it comes to menus.

For the issue of not being able to invite Ami over - it's most likely because you're running Ver 1.5.0, instead of 1.5.1. Ver 1.5.1 fixed the issue with this event, as it is permanently bugged in 1.5.0 - so I'd recommend updating to see if that solves the issue. Completing that event from Ami (Buckle) will let you continue with the main story :))

As always, new update is being worked on as we speak, thanks again dude! :))

I wish I could create an official Russian translation - but unfortunately I'm not fluent :((

There's a Russian translation that seems pretty reliable, albeit with some minor translation errors (here's the link) - just checked the link and the site seems to be down for maintenance, but maybe give it a go in a couple hours? :))

Appreciate it :))

Thanks dude! <3

Check auto-saves (keep going left in the saves menu)
Wouldn't be that mean intentionally, will add a notification for autosaves after a crash to prevent this :))

Heya dude - appreciate the time you've taken to check the game out. Let me explain a few things that are going on here:

1) The story is in the first person. This means that you are playing as the MC. The option to rename the MC is included for player preference - as some don't like the name chosen.
There's inherently meant to be a disconnect between the MC and his surroundings, hence the character design. This is intentional, and is hinted at and explained throughout the course of the game.

2) Each of the main characters are introduced during the opening hours of the story, yes - however they are very briefly encountered. Only 2 side characters are currently available, and only one of these side characters you come across within the beginning of the game. I'd tend to agree that characters are maybe introduced a little quickly - and the beginning of the game is something I'm hoping to make edits to in the future to bring it up-to-scratch with the more recently developed content.

3) I'm curious to hear some examples of exactly your issue is here, as I'm not sure I fully understand. Is the issue with phrasing certain lines? Is too much dialog presented on each click? Is there descriptive dialog you feel is unnecessary? Feel free to send me a DM via Discord with a little more info on this.

Either way, thanks for checking out the game - and I always appreciate people raising any issues/concerns they may have, to help make the game the best than it can be. Thanks dude! :)