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Maestra Artista

A member registered Aug 30, 2019

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She looks so cool I would vibe with her.

So this was my attempt to make a male character.

This is S.A.M




S.A.M was a Project made by Prof. Dean Mcnamara, S.A.M was made with metal, gear, screws and wires but the main material used was a human brain. Samantha Oakley was a child of Mr. Oakley the owner of the company TechV, Samantha was picked up by her mother Sheila Oakley as they drove through what seemed to be a clear road they crashed their car due to sudden acceleration both cars hit each other the driver on the other car is severely wounded and was taken to a hospital as soon as a car drove pass the crash as for Samantha and Sheila, Sheila died due to the windows of the car pierced through her and Samantha died as well due to the impact. As much as tragic this was while at their funeral you would think all organs are kept with them in their casket but Mr. Oakley had Samantha's brain he knew that Sheila's brain couldn't be healed 'cause of the glass shards but Samantha died of impact and she was still young so the Brain was still to develop. He hired his best working professor to build an android similar to his once only daughter so they would be reconnected once more.

As S.A.M is a android/ robot you may think it well might as be it, if so as robots may have a security system installed to have no outside disturbance being done to them. If ones robot where to have a damage such as a broken plate, few screws loose or any cut wires it must be handled immediately. If ever there is a certain damage it will affect parts of the robot such as Behavior if it's behavior goes down it will reach certain things like weapons, then control, and leads to Security once security is open it will collect all data from the area it will locate floors and cancelled projects. If it reaches to other android projects it will make them go mad if ever it reaches the armory room all weapons shall be active/on and may activate explosives Shut down mode will turn on and all exits and doors are blocked. And that is what happened on that day...


( It's not the best from my other Mg but I tried to challenge myself to make a character without editing it:^) )

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Zombie Apocalypse Survivor

Challenge accepted: Black lady ( that's all I have :^) )

I made myself ;-;

Omg it looks so cute! XD

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My two bois Sun & Moon... Idk really I was just bored ;-;

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Ruthanne Rivera, also known as Rudy the white nosed crack head

Rudy was born on July 27, 1993. Rudy had 8 siblings out of all she is the youngest she had a normal life until she entered school, Rudy didn’t socialize much in school so she didn’t really had much friends years she has been bullied for her weird behavior or so they say. Soon Rudy moved to Fheirris Academy in those years is where she met Christine, Christine is her best friend and girlfriend she the one who stands up to her bullies Chris was a delinquent and she was a nerd. Soon Chris dropped out and stayed with her so they lived together for years now. Rudy graduated and works at a office

 January 2016

Rudy woke up to go to work she did her usual routine, wake up, take a bath, eat breakfast, leave a note of chores Chris should do (but of course won’t complete it). She took the train and walked to the giant building everything was the usual the same everyday but everything will get better when she will get back home but… This day was different as she was packing her things to leave her boss told her to go to his office before leaving, she did what she was told she was welcomed by Mr. Rosenberg the owner of the company (RoseGold) they had a brief conversation and said he was giving her a promotion for her hard work and will get a better check she thank him for the promotion and the check though she wondered why he did so. She came home after that and prepared dinner for both Chris and her. Rudy noticed she was more quiet than usual she would always come with the most cheesy pick-up lines but would always end up in bed either way, but she was acting so odd they ate dinner and watched TV to see the news turns out Mrs. Rosenberg their Neighbor was found hanged in the shower her death was to be said a suicide Mr. Rosenberg was interviewed on TV.

 Few months passed

Rudy felt sick she had been having ‘’meetings‘' with her boss and company (c what I did there?) after his wife died, she felt guilty and never consented to it but she does it anyway. Rudy now knew why he gave him that promotion though she always thought why would he do this just after his WIFE died Rudy has a hunch but doesn’t do anything about it, she doesn’t want to be involved with any of it if she tries to question it who knows what might happen besides how else would she pay the bills. Chris went to jail and Rudy was left alone she was on her own now and she couldn’t do anything about it. She hoped Chris would be able to get out of their somehow she knows she didn’t do it. Rudy was depressed and began drinking, soon she started mixing her booze with her drugs and started dressing more different to make up for her lack of personality. But for now she is just waiting for someone to help her in her situation. 

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This is Christine Klass, Also known by Chris Crinkle

Christine was born in December 22, 1996, Chris was an only child, and at the age of 3 her mother passed away from natural causes (died in her sleep) so she raised by her father (Stan Klass).She studied in Fheirris Academy but soon dropped out of course her father argued back and weeks after their ‘ fight ‘ she moved out and stayed at her girlfriends place.

 January of 2016 

Chris’s girlfriend left in the morning around 5 to go to work so Chris was left alone. Time passes by Chris woke up in 10 in the morning she had breakfast and watched TV few minutes later she heard a scream and it was coming from her next door neighbor instead of going to investigate she stayed in place not moving, when she finally calmed down and a few minutes passed she walked her way to the door and looked outside when she did police where already there, Neighbors where talking to police and soon reporters have arrived after the incident She stayed home with all doors and windows locked. When her girlfriend came back they watched the news and found out that one of them was found was hanged in the shower police say it was a suicide but her husband claims it to be a murder, police are still investigating the case. Soon after Chris went to bed still scarred from what had happened but things got worse.

 Few months later

Chris has moved on from the whole incident it’s still known but she doesn’t really thinks much of it, she went to the store to pick up some groceries and as soon as she got to her apartment door she was stopped by two policemen she was arrested and was brought to the police station there police took her fingerprints and did other procedural requirements as well. Soon she was held in police custody pending a court hearing she briefly spoke with her attorney and started to explain her part of the story. Chris plea ‘’not guilty‘’ moments in the case prosecutor showed evidence of a crinkled piece of paper that the victim’s husband found in a trash can, the victim’s husband made a testimony saying about Chris and his wife’s relationship and history this shocked Chris, nobody knew about her and the victim’s history unless she told him that. Chris was found guilty and sentenced 25 years in prison, Her party is planning appealing but still are looking for evidence showing her of not guilty.  

Thank you :)

I made my friend Oc

Her name is Zoey and she's 13


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I made 

my friends Oc.

This is her Oc

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These are my lost bois                                                                                            

This is Angie (Angela) Dia Santos
Age: 13 yrs old
 Angie grew up in what looked like a  normal family but is really abusive dark and cold, The only thing she wants is to escape from them. She ran away from her home to save herself from her family and the unexpected events that happens in her division.. She turned up in several missing posters in town and no one can still find her she was called " The lost boy ". It is called Lost boy because Several kids went missing and most of them were preschool boys who disappeared without a trace, police still hasn't found any of them and dropped the case and go with the thought of them maybe dead.But this place is like no other much more hidden in a place far away never to be found...

This is Shonen Ushinata
Age: ???
This is Sho he is a lost boy who was lost ever since 04/28/???? despite him being gone for long his psychical appearance is still the image of a child but in attitude & feelings he is very wise... He got abandoned by his mother when he was a child and lived his life in the streets. He wears a kimono(robe) and a kabuki ( mask) to stick in his tradition and often removes his mask whenever he is alone in the forest whether he is upset or feeling any emotion and when thinking... He is Angie's guide he tries and help her in her adventures.. He is basically like a spirit he can go anywhere but no one will know who he is but he is alive and real..